
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm



An unbiased investigator, whether he supports the theory of evolution or opposes it, has to admit that:

(1) As far as we know, all the existing things of the world, including the living organisms, have a historical succession in accordance with the degree of their evolution.

 (2) We are aware of many cases in which a more developed organism is the progeny of a less developed one.

 (3) There are indications on the basis of which it may be presumed that this is a general rule applicable to all existing things.

 (4) But still this is no more than a mere scientific guess, and the way to further investigation on the basis of contrary evidence, as mentioned above, is still open.

 (5) On the basis of the doctrine, that the world has an Almighty Creator, who has brought the universe into existence and who manages it, there is a complete possibility that certain developed species might have come into existence independently in the same way as we have described the case of the machines. Of course, in this case the creation of the developed species is not to be the outcome of any mental development of the Creator or His gaining any experience. It is to be only on the basis that evolutionary motion exists in the creative design of the world. In other words, it is the will of Allah that gradually more and more developed species should come into being, in the same way as there exists an evolutionary motion in the development of an embryo.

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