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A Glance at Scholar Mir Hamed Hussein al-Hindi's Trip to Hajj

A Glance at Scholar Mir Hamed Hussein al-Hindi’s Trip to Hajj


Although a voyage is desirable and has a lot of benefits and the holy Koran and the progeny of the grand Prophet (pbuh) advised so, but it has its own procedures and etiquette, nevertheless exploring history’s epochs and magnifying its concealed corners and exposing tyrants’ crimes and their betrays or clarifying an ideological movement and being acquainted with its developments are cases can’t be achieved through competent voyages’ recorders.
Mir Hamed Hussein Al-Hindi’s voyage to Hajj is recorded in Arabic language under the title “lights’ voyages”. He started his voyage in the lunar year 1282 accompanied by his brother Mr. Iajaz Hussein Al-Hindi. Their voyage commenced from “Lakahnoo” city their birthplace in India heading for Jeddah by sea. After they performed single omra in Mecca they went to the holy city of Medina, after that they put on ihram garment from Shajarah mosque near Medina, eventually Mir Hamed ended his voyage by a report about his trip to Iraq and the visit to the holy shrines in that country.

The handwriting of that voyage consists of 387 pages, a part of it is written with his handwriting hasn’t printed yet, it seems that white ants destroyed parts of that handwriting!

There is a copy for the handwriting available in Hajj researches centre in the holy city of Qom in Iran; it was dispatched from Nasiria library in Lakahnoo in India.

The following is a brief about the scholar Al-Hindi:

He is the scholar Mir Hamed Hussein Al-Sayed Hamed Hussein the son of the grand scholar Al-Sayed Muhammad Koly Al-Mosawi Al-Naishapory Al-Kahnawy Al-Hindi. He was considered one of prominent advocators of Shies faith. He was born in “Lakahnoo” city in the lunar year 1246. The religious atmosphere and his affection and enthusiasm for Morales had a decisive role in channeling his life towards resurrection of the speech and deeds of his immaculate grandfathers (pbut). He obtained logical science from his virtuous father and jurisprudence from the master of scholars Sayed Hussein the son of Sayed Deldar Ali Al-Nakawi, while he studied literature from Sayed Muhammad Abbas.

Mir Hamed Hussein was a man of investigation and research and following up all details of Islamic narrations, sayings and cultural. He was so eager to collect all books and scientific references in order to get benefit from them to reach his sacred goals as it was clear from his voyage to Hajj.

Wherever he arrives he would ask first about the location of books’ shops enduring more difficulties! For example, in order to obtain an important handwriting from a Sunni scholar in “Rabigh” he served at that scholar’s house for a while, in addition that his right hand was out of control due to excessive writing, therefore he was obliged to write with his left hand at the last years of his life!

It was said that he used to lie on the ground while he was reading due to excessive reading and he used to put heavy books vertically on his chest which caused it to look like porters’ chests!!

He left behind him a valuable library contained thirty thousands of handwritings and printed copies, of course among those writings there were books belonged to his father and his son Nasser Hussein.

His writings are as follows: Lights’ voyages (unprinted), lights scents (in Persian) written in thirteen volumes, one of those volumes consists of 973 pages.

The late Mir Hamed Hussein wrote “lights scents” book in a response to “Masterpiece of Shies” book wrote by Abdulaziz Al-Dahlawi in which the author denied in a bitter way the right of Imam Ali (pbuh) in assuming the caliphate after the demise of the grand Prophet (pbuh).

Exploration of confuters was another writing of the late Mir Hammed, it was written in Persian language in ten volumes regarding Imam Mahdi (pbuh) and the facts that proof his disappearance by almighty God.

Another writing for the author was the “roaming torch” in which he talked about burning Islamic books by enemies and attackers, while “meeting’s candle” is a book containing poems in Arabic and Persian languages elegizing Imam Hussein (pbuh).
“A page of diamond in immerse” was writing for Mir Hamed in jurisprudence field, while “newly acquainted” was a book about anecdotes and riddles.

This grand author recorded all his writings on papers and used pens manufactured in Islamic world refraining from foreign printing machines and enemies of Islam of which emphasizes pious of this deceased scholar and his political asceticism. Eventually and after a fruitful life in science and research Mir Hamed passed away on the eighteenth of the lunar month Safar 1306 while he was sixty years old, he was buried in “Ghofran Moab Husaniah” in Lankahoor city.

Lights voyages:

Mir Hamed started his journey to Hajj from Lankahoor city on the afternoon of Friday the twenty second of Jamady the first lunar year 1282 accompanied by his brother Iajaz Hussein heading for Bombay using the post vehicle and from there they went to Jeddah port by sea.

On Monday the twenty seventh of Shaaban lunar year 1282 (1866) we embarked a steam ship, I and my brother Iajaz reserved places in the third class, the fees for every one from Bombay to Jeddah was a hundred Rupees, and on the fifth of the holy month of Ramadan we arrived at Eden port. Eden has a very nice coast; we reached the port by boats accompanied by other colleagues.

The weather at that particular time was too hot, and Eden city is too far from the port. In order to send a letter to India I headed for post office in Eden then I went to meet Mr. Alawi Bin Aydaroos one of famous authorities of Shafiee sect at his own house, I was told that he would meet his guests this afternoon so I forgot about the meeting due to lack of time, I asked a man at that house to get me some water he smiled I didn’t know the reason for his smile but later I realized that during the holy month of Ramadan a traveler is obliged to fast!

I returned to the ship, and then later a person called Ali came to see me, he was sent by Sayed Alawi apologizing about the meeting with him and said:
Sayed Alawi receives 1200 Rupees monthly in order to calm down people in that city and prevent them from mutiny and opposing the western authorities!

On Sunday the tenth of Ramadan the ship arrived at Hadidah port, I dispatched Merza Wazeer Ali to purchase a book from Hadidah, he bought a book titled “lessons”.
On the eve of the twelfth day of Ramadan our ship left the port and at the end of fourteenth night the ship arrived at a place parallel to “Yalamlem Mountain”, most of Sunni brothers put on ihram garment, we reached Jeddah port on Friday the fifteenth of Ramadan. We rented a place near the custom for one cent for each one of us on daily basis.

I put on ihram garment intending to perform single omra and entering the holy mosque in Mecca. It is preferable for an individual prior to performing enjoyable omra and enjoyable Hajj (Tamatoa) to achieve single omra, in order to be acquainted with circumambulation (Tawaf), endeavor (Saia) and other Hajj rituals and avoid any possible difficulty when he perform them later and to be sure of perfection in lawful rituals.

In our way to Mecca we arrived at a place called “Hodaibiah” where there we repeated ihram’s intention and the allegiance to almighty God. A mosque was built in Hodaibiah its name was “Shomaisi mosque”, there were two marks here indicating the boundaries of the holy city of Mecca, we resumed our travel during night time, and we reached Mecca on the twenty second of Ramadan year 1282.

We performed single omra rituals on the eve of twenty four of Ramadan, the owner of the place we rented in Mecca charged us twenty two Rials.
On the morning of twenty fifth of Ramadan I read some especial Ramadan’s prayers that where mentioned in a book titled “the provision for the day of judgment”, I cried there that wasn’t expected, there I became sure that crying was a blessing of visiting the holy Kaaba, then I had the honor of visiting the holy mosque and performing desirable Tawaf and reading its memorized prayers.

Near Al-Salam door I passed by a book shop that had the following books:
Explaining the foothold for Zarkani, the illuminated light which is an explanation for “the small comprehensive”, those books are usually published by the Egyptian government, I might purchase those two books if God willing!

On the twenty eighth of Ramadan and while I was about to leave the holy mosque in Mecca another book shop drew my attention, I found there the
“grand exposition” wrote by Fakher Al-Razi in six big volumes, the price for the Egyptian printing print was 52 Rials, I also saw in that book shop “cautioning the negligent persons” written by Abu Laith Al-Samarkandi.

I quoted from that book some paragraphs related to Abu Thar’s exile to “Rabathah” by the caliph Ottoman Bin Affan due to some mistakes in the book I had at home.
Afternoon of the same day I went to the library in the holy mosque in Mecca I asked for the book “a rider’s hasty” that talks about different scholars in Maliki sect, I quoted what related to “Taki al-Dean” the author for the book “Al-Shafieah categories” which I was looking for and the translation for “Al-Samhoodi” and “Al-Thalabi” and “Bin Arabi” who explained “Sonan Al-Termithy”.

The Eid was declared on Friday the twenty ninth of Ramadan for Mecca’s inhabitants, some of Sunni brothers asked me: have you been fasting this day? I replied it depends upon our understanding of it!

On this particular day two Iranians visitors came to see us, Mullah Hussein Al-Isfahani and Mullah Muhammad Baker Al-Shostary. The last was a student attended Sheikh Mortatha Al-Ansari (at God’s mercy) lectures and had the honor in performing Hajj rituals in the lunar year 1281on foot, but lack of money was a major obstacle for him to return to Iran!
On the third day of the lunar month of Shawal my friend “Al-Mirza Muhammad Hadi” presented for me as a gift a book titled “Sunni’s contracts composing in threatening the Hassani government”, this book talks about noblemen of Mecca, I selected some paragraphs of the book related to various scholars such as the author of the book “abrogation of examples”, and their translations.

Visiting Abu Taleb cemetery on Thursday the fifth of Shawal:

At the beginning we had the honor in visiting the grave of the grand Khadigah (pbuh) which is in the centre of a room and has a tomb on it, and then we visited the grave of Aminah which is similar to the grave of Khadigah and a mosque containing graves of Abedmanaf, Abdulmottaleb and Abutaleb (may God be pleased with them).

Sunni brothers consider those last three great persons as non-Muslims!
Today, Tuesday the tenth of Shawal I went to the holy mosque, I performed two circumambulations (Tawaf) on behalf of my parents, and behind the holy shrine of Abraham (pbuh) I prayed for my friends and relatives. On that particular day I purchased a book titled “the brides” for Al-Thaalaby, I paid two Ryals only, it was printed in Egypt and talked about the Prophets’ narrations. A friend of mine granted me a historic book concerning famous personalities in the holy city of Mecca; I selected some sections of that book.

For participating in the collective prayer with Sunni brothers and to perform Tawaf (circumambulation) on behalf of my older sister I went to the holy mosque.

On Saturday the twenty nine of Shawal the scholar Mir Hamed Hussein left Mecca heading for Medina on a rented camel, he paid twenty four Rials for the cameleer accompanied by other visitors. On Monday morning the first of Thee Al-Kiadah, after the caravan passed “Fatima valley” it reached a well dubbed “Al-Taklah well”, it was said in history that the grand Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his companions arrived at this well where his companions complained about the bitterness of the water then the Prophet (pbuh) spitted in the well and by God miracle its water turned to sweat and potable water! After eleven days the caravan entered the holy city of Medina.

In this holy city I took a bath prior to going to the holy mosque of the grand Prophet (pbuh) and the grave of Fatima Al-Zahra (pbuh), while I was there the sky rained so I drank a little quantity of that water and washed my face with it. Later I headed towards the library of the holy mosque and had a look on the index of its books. In the same evening I returned to the holy mosque again and prayed on behalf of my relatives and friends.
During the visit to the grave of Fatima (pbuh) I felt a strange condition of crying and while I was so one of the enemies of the progeny of the Prophet (pbuh) tried to prevent me from crying, I was so sad of that approach!

Enemies’ annoy would exceed their services at the holy mosque! They would never refrain from showing and displaying their enmity before the followers of the progeny of the Prophet (pbuh), an individual would see them how they profit from various visitors due to their greediness!

Today is Thursday the eleventh of the lunar month Thee Al-Kiadah; I had the honor of visiting the sacred graves of our beloved Imams in Bakea, their graves had a courtyard, even the grave of Akeel had a tomb and an unattached building and the grave of Abdullah Bin Jaafar is located beside it.

Abraham, the son of the grand Prophet (pbuh) had a tomb on his grave.
In Bakea there is a small building dubbed as “the house of grieves”, the officials ordered the closure of it!!!

The graves of Halimah Al-Saadiah, the Prophets’ midwife, Atekah and Safiah aunts of the Prophet (pbuh) are located in an unattached building; I visited all graves, but the graves’ door for our Imams was locked! I sat close the blessed building of four Imams and recite some prayers while I was crying in a hysterical way!! I stared at the building that contained the graves of four Imams (pbut); it didn’t bear their blessed names except a small board that bore the name of “Abbas the Prophet’s uncle and the progeny of the Prophet (pbuh)”! This unacceptable behavior was a reflection of the enmity to the progeny of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and enemies’ bigotry; I was astonished to that bigotry so I decided to go back to my house!

Later that afternoon, I was told that the gate of Bakea was reopened so I hurried there; the officials there charged every visitor five cents! I paid that amount and entered Bakea; I saw a big grave with a tomb on its top, that grave contained Abbas Prophet’s uncle and close to it there were the sacred graves for our four Imams, Hassan Bin Ali, Ali Bin Hussein, Muhammad Bin Ali Al-Baker and Jaafar Bin Muhammad Al-Sadik (pbut). I visited the sacred graves and recited memorized prayers; their shrine was free from any type of adornment!

On the morning of the twelfth of Thee Al-Kiadah I had the owner once more in visiting the holy shrine of the grand Prophet (pbuh) then the grave of Fatima (pbuh).

The library in the holy mosque of the Prophet (pbuh) is larger and cleaner than the library in Mecca, it contains some valuable books, in addition to the good manner of the officials in the library in contrast to the situation in Mecca’s library!

In order to visit historical sites in Medina we headed to “Quoba” mosque on Sunday the fourteenth of Thee Al-Kiadah, we prayed there, on the top of mosque’s door there is a board bearing the following verse:

“A mosque that was built on piousness from the first day deserves to pray in it”.
Then I got the honor in visiting the residential house of Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib (pbuh) where I performed my prayers at the same place he used to. There was a location at the house where Fatima (pbuh) used to grind there, then I prayed at the same location she used to.

Later I visited the house of Imam Sadik (pbuh), in front of Imam’s house there is a pond full of water, I saw “Areas well” also, it was said in history that this well is the same one where Prophet’s ring fell from Ottoman’s hand in it! I entered Awaly area; it is a fenced area and contains various fruits’ trees such as palm dates, pomegranates and other fruits. Some people believe that Awaly is Fadak, but that is not true because Fadak is a little bit far from Medina.

On Tuesday the sixteenth of Thee Al-Kiadah I had the honor in visiting the holy mosque of the grand Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). I saw the servants sweeping he sacred shrine from inside, using palm branches, after they accomplished their duty they distributed those palm branches among waiting visitors.

I visited Ishmael’s grave, he is the son of Imam Jaafar Al-Sadik (pbuh), the grave has a tomb, to the East of the grave the house of Imam Sadik is located, it was said that this house was the house of Imam Ali Bin Hussein (pbuh), I decided to visit that house where I performed my prayers there and supplicate almighty God asking him success in my coming visit to the holy city of Mecca to perform Hajj rituals.
I paid respect to the grand Prophet and Imams in Bakea (pbut) prior to my leave to Mecca. That afternoon we headed for Mecca.

Shajarah mosque, lunar year 1282.

Shajarah mosque has a very important status; it is a rendezvous (Mikat) without ceiling and has three walls only! What a surprise, Sunni’s mosque in this bad condition!! Thanks God that I found Shajarah mosque and managed to put on ihram garment. What surprised me that some of Sunni brothers put on ihram garment from Medina, while another group did so in “Rabigh” after they passed Shajarah mosque.

On Saturday the third of Thee Al-Hijjah lunar year 1282 we arrived at Mecca, for moving to the holy sites in order to perform Hajj rituals there was one day difference between us and Sunni brothers! We left Mecca heading towards Mina in whom we arrived in that evening; prior to sunrise we reached Arafat land where we performed Morning Prayer.

Tuesday the eighth of Thee Al-Hijjah

At the last seconds of the day Sunni brothers left Arafat considering that day the ninth of Thee Al-Hijjah while Iranian and Indians and other Shies remained in Arafat.

Next Wednesday we intended to stay at Arafat till sunset, and then we headed towards Masher A-Hiram where we performed Night Prayers, at dawn we intended to stay there according to lawful rules till sunrise. At the noon of Thursday we arrived at Mina, we set up our tents near Khaif mosque then we went to throw pebbles and offer our sacrifices and later shaved our hair, by performing those rituals we were free from state of ritual consecration (ihram). We hired a couple of donkeys from Mina heading towards Mecca to continue remained Hajj rituals.

We performed Hajj rituals in Mecca then we returned to Mina prior to sunset we remained in Mina the next day and spent the night of the twelfth of Thee Al-Hijjah there, preparing ourselves to leave Mina on the afternoon of the twelfth day. We arrived at Mecca two hours prior to sunset on the twelfth day, and on Friday afternoon the twenty four of Thee Al-Hijjah we left Mecca, once more we got in trouble with cameleers!

On Sunday the twenty six of Thee Al-Hijjah we entered Jeddah city, we prepared ourselves to go to Iraq via Bandar Abbas and Boushehr port and finally Basra city.
Thus the scholar Mir Hamed Hussein Al-Hindi ended his voyage accompanied by difficulties and voyage’s problems; he arrived at Iraq to visit Kazimain, Samara, Karbala and Najaf, and then to resume his activities in culture and science. He ended his visit to Karbala on the sixteen of lunar month Rajab year 1283.

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