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Rooh Al-Din Mafajoo

Rooh Al-Din Mafajoo


Haj Joseph Nakwa Jank, a teacher in the Islamic sciences center in “Kon Mink” the capital of “Yon Nan” province that is dominant by Muslims’ majority in the western south of China. “Liojee” is the name of four prominent Chinese scholars and translators of Islamic books during the reign of progeny of “zing” (1616-1911).
A couple of years ago I had a visit to China, I received at that trip a historical and precious writing about a journey made by an Islamic scholar and jurisprudent to that country called “ Rooh Al-Din Madeh Sheen” and nicknamed “Fojo”. I brought a copy of that writing to Iran and translated it to Persian language.

The version of the trip was written in old prose Chinese language, because this language is the most difficult language in the world, it took a long time from me to translate it!
I arranged this text in three parts, the second and the third parts shall be published in the following issues, on the hope that they grasp the attention of “Miqat magazine” readers!

First speech:

Rooh Al-Din Mafajoo translated and wrote during his eighty years more than thirty volumes of books, most of them about Islamic rules, jurisprudence, philosophy, Islamic history, holy Koran and Koranic sciences, Arabic language grammar, the science of meanings and a study about the other three Chinese scholars in addition to explanation to their books in Persian and Arabic and some of them in Chinese language.

Mafajoo was the first Chinese Muslim who managed to translate twenty parts of the holy Koran to his mother tongue! The title of that translation was
“Banomink Zen Jinx Zely Jeh”, or in other meaning, direct translation of the holy Koran.
The written version foe that precious translation was burnt during domestic battles and conflicts in China, what a misfortune that was!

There is a translation for the first five parts of the holy Koran at our disposal.
Mafajoo’s selective translation is considered the first trial to translate the wholly Koran in China. The more important part of Mafajoo’s objet d’art his memoirs about the voyage to the holy mosque in Mecca. This article is in fact Mafajoo’s trip to Hajj, and it includes what he heard and saw in Arabic and Islamic worlds during the reign of “Zing”.

That article has a rich content, and a precious historical document. It was said that: foreign researchers that followed Islam and investigate it in China applauded this one more than other author’s writings. No doubt that trip is considered very important and precious for Chinese Muslims who intended to visit the holy sites in Hijaz in the middle of nineteen century.

More than 1350 years have passed since Islam was welcomed in China, no doubt that Chinese Muslims suffered a lot in order to visit the holy shrines in Mecca and Medina during that era via sea and railways, but unfortunately we couldn’t get hold of any writing or written versions of those trips to Hajj, neither in quantity nor in quality!

Therefore, this booklet is considered the first old text and most precious document about Chinese Muslims managed to fill a part of that vacuum.

The content of this book that goes back to 165 years is still worthy to look at, it has a significant historical value due to its concentration on the geographical developed integration and links in addition to political and social relations.

Hajj is a divine duty and the forth basic element of Islam, regarding its importance and the necessity to visit holy Kaaba, the holy Koran stated that:
“The people owe it to God that they shall observe Hajj to this shrine, when they can afford it”. (Al-Omran chapter, verse No.97).

The grand Prophet (pbuh) said about voyage and morale trips:
“Don’t set off except for three mosques, the holy mosque in Mecca and my mosque in Medina and Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem”.

Rooh Al-Din Mafajoo, the true Muslim and believer and the ascetic Chinese scholar, in compliance with almighty God’s order and what the grand Prophet (pbuh) said, set off in the year 1841 for a long journey to visit the holy shrines in Mecca and Medina and Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, in addition to acquaint himself with religious sciences. That journey lasted for eight years, after that trip he returned to China and wrote his memoirs in Arabic language!

“Ma An LEE”, the man of letters and Islamic scholar in “Yoon Nan” province in China, was an expertise in Chinese language and its literature; he had the honor later to meet Mafajoo, he spent his full time in studying and scrutinizing Islamic references and sciences. Most of Maffajoo’s objet d’art was edited by his two students “Ma An Lee” and “MacKay Keh” who used to print after they would organize and edit those writings.

It was understood from some historical documents outside China that “Ma An Lee” immigrated to Beijing after Mafajoo’s uprising against descent of “Jing” was crushed; there he joined the French Embassy as a translator for Chinese and Arabic languages.

“Ma An Lee” explained in the annex of his memoirs after the Chinese translation for the letter concerning the trip to the holy mosque in Mecca something about his personal life, and the reason for writing that letter and the way he did it, all that because of his extreme interesting in that objet d’art.

“Ma An Lee” said in that annex:

The famous Chinese scholar said in his book that titled “morals of a heavenly religion and its rules”:
“An individual that comes back home after performing Hajj rituals similar to a newly born, he would be pure, clean and innocent”.

No doubt that “Rooh Al-Din Mafajoo” as a true Muslim and believer went to Mecca in order to perform Hajj rituals; nevertheless he connected that morale trip to another real step and a specified target, therefore that long journey wasn’t a loyal movement in particular, intending to visit God’s house only, but a scientific step and movement in order to reap very important results and gains for all his life!

Mafajoo returned to his homeland with a load of experiences and fame among a splendid reception from high ranks in China and public also.
He said: “after enduring a lot of agony and difficulties in crossing thousands kilometers, and after eight or nine years of exchanging views and researches in addition to learning from others, I saw books weren’t available in China, and I heard names of various sects weren’t familiar in my country.

Visiting the holy mosque in Mecca and the grave of the grand Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in Medina in addition to acquaintance with various customs and traditions, were cases that I couldn’t get rid of so easily, and the eight or nine years I attended lectures for distinctive scholars added to my knowledge and experiences”.
This point clarifies the reality that Mafajoo’s trip to Mecca didn’t confine to visiting God’s house only but he essentially was seeking truth and meeting with the competent and perfect guider!

On route to holy Mecca

Rooh Al-Din Mafajoo recounted in his letter “a voyage to God’s holy house” the following:
I started my journey to Mecca, all merchants moved towards “Awa” city through “Jung Dong”, “Boair” and Semaow” cities. I stayed there five days, and on the thirteen day of my trip I arrived at “Hoyo” city where merchants used to stay.

Today is the last day in the year.
The Arabic name of the city is “Yank well”, majority of its inhabitants are Hannifin Muslims, and small number of them is Shafies, they speak local dialect, and the number of Muslim families is three thousands, I stayed eighteen days in that city.

The Sultan came back from “Yang Gong” city and later he received me at his palace!
The historical text for the introduction clarifies that Mafajoo’s trip commenced from South of China; he entered “Myanmar” through “Yon Nan” province.

In the year 1841, the opium war between China and England wasn’t come to an end yet, and the marine routes between China and the entire world were still closed and besieged by the English army, which caused ordinary people to open their own routes!
It was stated in “the history of Yon Nan defense” book that:

“We arrived at Min Kin, and after crossing 1200 kilometers we reached Awa city the first headquarter for Myanmar strong government.

I was onboard “Klanady” ship, a couple of months passed; we were told that Indian sea would run high in the last three months of the year, so navigating wouldn’t be possible. I stayed in a house in Yang Kong city, the family was from “Soorat” and it was named Bani Hashim, its members were generous to me!

Rooh Al-Din Mafajoo entered Myanmar through transit route then he took a ship loaded with copper heading for “Rangoon”.

On the twenty first of the lunar month Rajab we left “Yang Kong” we spent forty days in the sea instead of fifteen days due to adverse weather conditions. On the third day of Ramadan we arrived at a big Indian city. Cities of this country are all huge, some people call this country”Benghal” also!

The name of this city was “Calcutta”, it was administered by English authorities, and it was surrounded by a wall, inhabitants’ language is called “Dakaniah” and Islam is their religion, some of them believe in “Fishnoo” and “Budaghotama” in addition to few numbers of Christians, Zoroastrians and Persian. I remained four months in that city waiting for the ship “Mecca”.

The ship’s name was “Jahaz Suleiman”, the owner Mr. Falah was a kind and benevolent man particularly to those who were traveling to remote areas.

In 232 BC the king of “Moojitah” county declared Buddhism the official religion in that area, in order to promote and spread the new religion in central Asia and South East of it the king dispatched numerous monks backed by the government to those parts.
Zoroastrianism’s rules and principles that are inscribed in “Osta” book, divides the world in to two contradictory elements, “light” and “darkness”!

This religion considers fire as a phenomenon for light and goodness. For this particular reason Zoroastrianism’ ceremonies concentrate on worshipping the “sacred fire”. Darious the first, declared Zoroastrianism the official religion in Persia, this religion was first known in China in the sixth AD century during the reign of the Christian “North and South” descendants that controlled Persia, India and Bengal.

At the middle of eighth century, Islamic world expanded dramatically due to Jihad that expansion facilitated the entry to India by Muslim soldiers and merchants. Islam developed and spread in India to the extent that it paralleled and competed with Buddhism, therefore it became an effective religion in that country.

Rooh Al-Din Mafajoo left India in the year 1843 by sea heading for Jeddah port; in his route he visited Sirilanka Island, in this island there is a mountain dubbed “Sailank Kobo” place of descent of Adam (pbuh), his foot prints are still there, some people believe that Adam’s grave is in that island!

It was written in the “morals of a heavenly religion and its rules” book that:
“Skies and earth were ready, and almighty God created the four elements: Wind, Fire, Water and soil along with Adam’s soul in Tenen Funk deserts”!

Then later almighty God created Eve from Adam’s rib, she got married with Adam and later their sons and grandsons increases and carried on their life generation after generation!
“Tenen Funk” in ancient Chinese books and references was a name for Mecca, and it was used generally for Arabs.

It was stated in “history of union” book that: “Tenen Funk” is located to the South of “Kong Lon” mountains, and it is essential to perform daily lawful duties towards those mountains from any side.
Mafajoo visited most of English colonies in his way to Mecca.

Arriving at Mecca the land of revelation.

While I was in the ship I saw Yelamlam Miqat (rendezvous), so I put on Ihram garment in order to enter state of ritual consecration, after two days we reached Jeddah port, the burial place for Eve the first ever woman on the earth.

It was stated in “morals of a heavenly religion and its rules” book that:
“Mecca has five rendezvous (Miqat), any visitor to Mecca may put Ihram garment in one of them”.

The eastern Miqat “That Al-Erik” is for those who arrive from Iraq, “Arnah” or the Northern Miqat is for Najid, the Western Miqat or “Johfah” for Sham and the Southern Miqat or “Yelamlam” for Yemenis, while the last Miqat
“Thou Al-Halifah” is for Mecca’s inhabitants and individuals who are in motion.
Visitors who are heading for the holy mosque in Mecca must put on Ihram garment once they reach one of those Miqat.

It is understood from “memoirs of the travel to the holy mosque” that Rooh Al-Din Mafajoo who came from East in that year entered the holy mosque in Mecca coming from Yelamlam Miqat which is the Miqat for Yemenis!

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