

What if one has only enough money either to get married or to perform the Hajj? Which of them is prior? The Hanafi text Fath al‑qadir (vol. II, "Bab al‑Hajj")mentions this question being put to Abu Hanifah, who, in his reply, considered that priority lies with the Hajj. The generality (itlaq)of this answer in which he gives priority to the Hajj, taking into consideration that marriage is obligatory under certain conditions, allows us to conclude that for Abu Hanifah delay in Hajj is not permissible.

According to the Shafi'i, Hanbali and Imamiyyah scholars, marriage has priority if there is likelihood of distress (haraj)or difficulty (mashaqqah)in refraining from marriage. In that case priority does not lie with the Hajj. (Kifayat al‑'akhbar, al‑Mughni, al‑`Urwat al‑wuthqa)


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