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Types of Hajj

Types of Hajj
Hajj, performed by a mukallaf, is either for himself or on behalf of another person. The second is called hajj on behalf. The first case is either obligatory or mustaḥabb. The obligatory hajj is either obligatory per se, which is called 'hajjah al-Islam', or it is obligatory through a nadhr or if the hajj had been invalidated.
For hajjah al-Islam and hajj on behalf there are rulings and conditions, which will be mentioned in the first part within two chapters. Hajj is also divided into hajj al-tamattu‘, ifrād and qirān. The first is the duty of a person whose home is located 16 farsakhs (about 90 km) away from Mecca al-mukarramah. The second and the third (ifrād and qirān) are the duties of those who live in Mecca or outside it within this distance.
Hajj al-tamattu‘ differs from the two other kinds in its rituals and practices which would be cleared up within several chapters in the second part.

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