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Back You are here: Home Library Chapter two: Ihram Haram things / acts during ihram

Haram things / acts during ihram

Haram things / acts during ihram

Issue 126. From the moment of entering ihram and as long as one is in the ihram status, one should refrain from something / acts.
Issue 127. There are 22 things / acts forbidden for the person in ihram some of them are forbidden just for men or women. We will firstly list them and then go into the details and rules:

- Haram things during irham:
They are as follows:
1-Wearing sewn cloths,
2- Wearing footwear that covers the entire back of the foot,
3- Covering the head for men and covering the face for women,
4- Shading for men,
5- Using perfumes,
6- Looking into a mirror,
7- Applying henna,
8- Applying oil to the body,
9- Removing body hair,
10- Applying black salve (kuhl) to eyes,
11- Clipping nails,
12- Wearing a ring,
13- Causing blood to come out from the body,
14- Fusūq,
15- Dispute (jidal),
16- To kill those creatures that live on the body,
17- Uprooting trees or plants in HÌ£aram,
18- Carrying weapons,
19- Hunting land animals,
20- Sexual intercourse,
21- Making a marriage contract and any sexually exciting act like lustful looking petting,
22- Masturbation.

Issue 128. Some of these forbidden acts are absolutely haram, i.e. they are haram whether someone is muhrim or not but one is more sinful if commits them when he is muhrim.


#1 no 13aejaj 2014-02-20 13:43
if blood come then what to do

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