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Chapter four: Ramy

Chapter four: Ramy

It is the forth obligation of hajj and the first of Mina practices. On the 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah one should perform ramy of the jamarah of `Aqabah.
Conditions of Ramy

Issue 340. In ramy several conditions must be regarded.
First: Intention with its conditions as mentioned in iḥrām intention.
Second: Ramy with things that could be considered as pebbles. It is incorrect to do ramy with small things like sand or big like rocks.
Third: The time period is from sunrise on the day of ‘Ä«d to maghrib on the same day, if possible.
Fourth: The pebble must strike the jamarah. So if it did not strike it or one was in doubt about it, it must be disregarded and another pebble should be thrown instead. It is also insufficient to throw it just in the circle around the jamarah.
Fifth: To throw seven pebbles.
Sixth: To be thrown successively i.e. throwing them all at once will be considered as one pebble even if all the pebbles strike the jamarah.
Issue 341. It is permissible to throw at the jamarah after it had been covered with cement and so is the case about the new parts of it as long as it would be considered by the common view as parts of it.
Issue 342. If the old known jamarah has been expanded by extending its building anteriorly and posteriorly for meters, then in case one know the place of the old jamarah and can throw on it without difficulty, one is obliged to do so; otherwise, it is valid to throw pebbles on any part of the new jamarah.
Issue 343. Apparently it is permissible to do ramy from the upstairs, although, according to caution, it is better to do it from the previously known place.

Criteria regarding the pebbles:
Issue 344. The pebbles chosen for stoning the jamarat should have the following characteristics:
First: Being from the HÌ£aram. It is invalid to bring them from outside.
Second: They should not be from pebbles that had been already thrown on jamarahs correctly even in the previous years.
Third: It is impermissible to do ramy with stolen pebbles or those have already been taken by others. However, purity of pebbles is not a condition.
Issue 345. Women and weak persons - who are allowed to stream out from Mash‘ar al-HÌ£arām to Minā after have done the strict meaning of wuquf - are allowed to do ramy at night if they are excused from doing it during the day. More than that, women, in general, are allowed to do it at night if they are performing their own hajj or on others' behalf. But, if a woman is a na'ib for another person in ramy only, her doing ramy at night is incorrect even though she is unable to do it during the day. In such a case, the person for whom hajj is done should find another person to do ramy on his / her behalf. While the accompanying person (with them) if he was excused, he can do ramy at night; otherwise ramy during the day for him is obligatory.
Issue 346. One who is excused from doing ramy on the day of ‘Ä«d, is allowed to do it the night before or after. The same will be applied to those who are excused from ramy on the day of the 11th or the 12th i.e. they could do it the night before or after that day.

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