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4. Sa?y

4. Sa?y

362. The fourth rite of the Tamattu? Umrah is the sa?y, which is to walk seven laps between [the mounts of] Safa and Marwah, after performing the tawaaf prayer, and it is considered a rukn or a principal element, such that the Hajj would be void if deliberately abandoned.

363. It is permitted to delay the sa?y to have some rest and cool off, but it is not permitted to delay it to the next day, although it is permitted to delay it until the evening.
364. There is no objection to separate between an obligatory tawaaf and sa?y with a mostahab tawaaf.
365. If one failed to perform the sa?y by forgetting it or due oversight, compulsion, or ignorance of the ruling, he must perform it whenever he remembers.  If he had left the city of Makkah, as a precaution he should return to Makkah whenever he remembers the oversight, and perform the sa?y himself if possible.  If this proved too hard and difficult for him, he should appoint someone to perform the sa?y on his behalf.  One would not be released from his ihraam ? even if it was breached ? until it [the sa?y] is completely performed by himself or by his agent.
366. It is not conditional in the sa?y to attain tahaarah, say from janaabah or faeces/urine, nor from passing wind, and a woman who is experiencing menses may perform the sa?y.
367. It is permitted to perform the sa?y while riding an animal or a vehicle or on a wheelchair, or being carried by someone, although walking is the best [option].
368. It is recommended that the vehicle is medium in speed, from Safa to the first landmark[27] ? these days marked by green colour fluorescent light ? he should brisk walk from the first landmark to the second? also marked by green colour fluorescent light.  Brisk walking is not required for women.  If he was riding an animal he should make his animal to brisk walk without annoying anyone, and then walk normally from the second landmark to Marwah.  He should do the same on return.

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