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Live From Mashhad - Rawdha


The Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (AS) - al-Rawdha al-Munawwara



#3 RawdhaSayed 2016-09-10 20:14
Salamun alaikum
Amazing ...the live connection to our holy Imam (as).
Whilst we wait to visit you in person, these websites provide us an opportunity to visit the Imam from far. Let me see if I can see the shrine every morning before i set off to work.
Allah give us all the tawfeeq to progress forward.
#2 thanks to sibtayn.comkaunen 2016-03-09 08:16
salamun alayk
most thanks to for live ziyarat
+6 #1 RE: Live From Mashhad - Rawdhasultan Mohammad khan 2012-04-06 02:25
i shall indeed be highly grateful if I am provided Ziarat -e-Umul Baneen Mother of Janabe Hazrat e Abbas-e-Alamdar a,s (like ziarate ashura etc)

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