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The Black Stone installed in the eastern corner of the Kaaba?the start point of circumambulation is described by the Holy Prophet (saw) as God's Hand and shrine for all prophets and Imams throughout history.

Imam Sadiq (a.s) quotes the Holy Prophet (saw) as saying: طُوفوا بالبَيتِ واسْتَلِموا الرُّكْنَ فَإنَّهُ يَمينُ اللهِ في أَرضِهِ (يَصافِحُ بها خَلْقَهُ مُصافَحَةَ العَبدِ أو الدَّخيلِ ويَشهَدُ لمَن استَلَمَهُ بالمُوافاةِ.
?Circumambulate the House and caress the Corner, for it is Allah's right hand on the earth by which He shakes hand with His servants in the same way as a slave or seeker of refuge shake hands (with masters). The Corner also will

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testify for him who caress it of accomplishment of the duty.?1


Many questions have been made on the nature of the Black Stone, the reason it has been installed on the eastern corner of the Kaaba, and the philosophy of kissing and caressing it. Sheikh Saduq, in Vol. 2 of Ilal ush-Sharai'e, and Faiz, in vol. 2 of al-Wafi, write that Bakr ibn Ayun reported that he asked Imam Sadiq (a.s) about the Black Stone, its position, and the reason why it is kissed. He (a.s) answered: ?You have posed a difficult question out of curiosity. Now listen carefully to understand what I say, Allah willing. Do you know what the Black Stone was?? I answered, ?No.? The Imam (a.s) said:
?The Black Stone used to be an angel. When Allah took pledge from the angels (about the divinity of Allah, the prophethood of Mohammad (saw), and the Imamate of Ali (a.s)) it was the first angel who believed and confessed to it. Hence, Allah made him a trustee of his people and entrusted to him the pledge He had taken from other creatures making them duty-bound to come to him every year and renew their allegiance. Then, Allah made that angel Adam's friend to remind him of his pledge and to confess to it again until Adam abandoned what was a superior order and was expelled from Paradise. On the earth, Adam was wandering without having anyone as friend but when his repentance was accepted, Allah sent the same angel to him in the form of a white pearl. Adam rejoiced at seeing it but did not recognize it. Therefore, it turned into the former shape introducing himself to Adam and reminding him of his covenant. Recognizing him, Adam began to weep, kissed him, and renewed his allegiance. Once again, Allah turned him into white pearl. Since then, Adam carried it on his shoulder respectfully and renewed his pledge every year until the Kaaba was built and, on Allah's order, it was installed on the eastern corner of the House. It was the same place where Allah took pledge from the children of Adam and men's pledge was entrusted to that angel. It is from the same pillar that Archangel Gabriel will descend to Imam Mahdi (a.s) expressing his allegiance to him. It is also the same
1 See Ilal ush-Shara'ie; vol. 2 p. 109 hadith 3

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position on which Imam Mahdi will lean and speak. The reason Allah has entrusted the covenant to that angel is that when Allah asked the angels to confess of His divinity, Mohammad's prophethood, and Ali's Imamate, a kind of worry was created in them due to the heavy task but not to that angel. No angel is equal to him in terms of love for Mohammad and his household. Allah chose him from among the angels and entrusted the creatures' covenant to him. On the Day of Judgment, this angel will witness with his eyes and tongue in favor of everyone who has come to this place, renewed his pledge, and has been faithful. As for kissing the Black Stone and behaving humbly there, they are aimed at renewing the pledge and allegiance with Allah. Do you not realize that when kissing the Black Stone, you say, I performed my duty and kept my promise so that you will testify to my faithfulness. By Allah, no one can give and keep this pledge save our followers. It is our followers who, when coming to the Black Stone, will be recognized and affirmed but others will be denied because they have not kept the pledge. Therefore, by Allah, the Black Stone will testify in your favor and against them for the breach of promise and disbelief. He is the Perfect proof of Allah on them. He will come in his former shape, with a tongue to speak and eyes to see. People know him. He will testify in favor of those who have been faithful and have renewed their pledge and testify against those who have denied him and breached the promise.?


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