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Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (AS) and His Servant

Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (AS) and His Servant


It is related that Imam Ja'far -as-Sadiq (AS) had a servant. Wherever the Imam went, he accompanied Him. And when Imam (AS) went to the Mosque, he would look after His mule. One day the servant was sitting at the door of the Mosque catching hold of the mule, when there came some travellers from Khurasan.
One of them said, "O servant! Will you plead to your master Imam Sadiq (AS) to accept me as His servant in your stead, and we shall surely pay you for this". The servant replied, "Yes I shall plead for you and talk to my Master".
He then went to the presence of Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (AS) and said, "O Master! May

my life be your ransom. You are well aware of my services to you. If ever Allah gives me an opportunity of acquiring wealth, will you stop me from it"? Imam (AS) said, "I myself will give you that much wealth, but will not let you ask from anyone else".

The servant then narrated the talk he had with the traveller from Khurasan. Imam (AS) heard it and said, "If you do not like living with me, I give you liberty to go, and accept him in your stead". After hearing these words, the servant turned his back and started going. Imam Sadiq (AS) called him back and said, "In exchange of your services, I would like to counsel you, which will benefit you.

When the day of Qayamat comes, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) will be connected to Allah by His light. And Ali (AS) will be joined together with the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.), and we (the Aimmah) will be attached to him (AS), and Our Shi'ahs in turn will be attached to Us. Wherever we go, Our Shi'ahs will be alongside Us".

When the servant heard this, he said, "O Master! I will never leave you and go, and will not exalt this world over the hereafter".

The servant then returned to the Khurasani man and he asked him, "O servant! What has happened, for you went to the Imam in a good mood, while you have returned with a sad face"? The servant narrated the whole incident and took him to the presence of Imam (AS). Imam Ja'far-as Sadiq (AS) accepted his friendship, and requested him to give one thousand Ashrafis to His servant.

This wretched soul (the author) also requests his Master Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (AS): O Master! From the day I have recognized myself I have been standing at Your door. My flesh and my skin are the outcome of Your blessings. And I desire that during the last days of my life, You will look after me and not turn me away from Your merciful door. How can I leave Your door, for the present honour has been given to me because of Your love. O Master! May I never see that day, when I have to leave Your door, and go somewhere else (I may die before this happens).

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