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His Traditions and Jurisprudence

His Traditions and Jurisprudence


Historians agreed unanimously on that Imam Abu Muhammad (AS) was the richest scientific personality in his talents and geniuses at his time, and no one was ever comparable to him in virtue and knowledge. Historians said, ‘He was the highest authority for jurisprudents in taking the rulings of the Sharia and the principles of the religion.
They put forward to him books of Hadith and jurisprudence, and if he permitted these books, they would act according to them. Once, a book written by Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Khanibah was offered to him. He read it and then said to his companions, ‘It is true. Act according to it!’[1]

The Interest Of The Ulama In His Traditions

Ulama and narrators paid too much attention to his traditions for they were the truest in his time, and at the same time they were from the definite Sunna that must be followed according to the belief of the Twelver Shia. The following are some of the traditions transmitted from Imam Abu Muhammad al-Askari (AS):

1. Al-Hafidh (memorizer) al-Balathari narrated from his companions saying, ‘Al-Hasan bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Musa, the imam of his age for the Shia, narrated from his father Muhammad bin Ali al-Mahjub,

[1] Falah as-Sa’il.

from his father Ali bin Musa ar-Redha, from his father Musa bin Ja’far al-Murtadha, from his father Ja’far as-Sadiq, from his father Muhammad bin Ali al-Baqir, from his father Ali bin al-Husayn as-Sajjad Zaynol Aabidin (from his father al-Husayn bin Ali), from his father Ali bin Abu Talib the master of guardians, from Muhammad bin Abdullah the master of prophets, from Gabriel the chief of the angels that Allah said, ‘It is Me, Allah that there is no god but Me. Whoever acknowledges monotheism to Me shall enter into My fort, and whoever enters into My fort shall be safe from My torment.’[1] 

2. Ibn al-Jawzi said, ‘He (Imam al-Hasan al-Askari) referred this tradition to his father from his pure fathers. My grandfather showed him a tradition in his book called Tahrim al-Khamr (prohibition of wine).

I quoted this tradition and I swear by Allah that I heard him saying: I swear by Allah that I heard Abu Abdullah al-Husayn bin Ali saying: I swear by Allah that I heard Abdullah bin Ata al-Harawi saying: I swear by Allah that I heard Abdurrahman bin Ubayd al-Bayhaqi saying: I swear by Allah that I heard Abu Abdullah al-Husayn bin Muhammad ad-Daynawari saying: I swear by Allah that I heard Ahmad bin Abdullah ash-Shi’iy saying: I swear by Allah that I heard Abu Muhammad bin Ali bin Muhammad saying: I swear by Allah that I heard my father Ali bin Musa ar-Redha saying:

I swear by Allah that I heard my father Ja’far saying: I swear by Allah that I heard my father Muhammad saying: I swear by Allah that I heard my father al-Husayn bin Ali saying: I swear by Allah that I heard Ali bin Abu Talib saying: I swear by Allah that I heard Muhammad (AS) saying: (I swear by Allah that I heard Gabriel saying:) I swear by Allah that I heard Michael saying: I swear by Allah that I heard Israfel saying: I swear by Allah…that I heard Allah saying: “A drinker of wine is like a worshiper of idols.”

[1] A’yan ash-Shia, vol.4 p.308-309.

Abu Nu’aym al-Fadhl bin Dakeen said, ‘This is a true tradition narrated by the pure progeny and narrated by some men from the messenger of Allah (AS).’[1]

[1] Mir’at az-Zaman, vol.6 p.192.

Taken from : The Life Of Imam Al-Hasan Al-Askari Study And Analysis By: Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi Translation by: Abdullah al-Shahin

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