
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Her Introduction

Her Introduction

you with the praise of Allah, are a scholar not taught (by anyone on earth) and have (a devinely blessed) understanding not provided by anyone (on earth).

Imam Ali Ibn Husain as-Sajjad (AS)

Name  : Zainab
Titles   : Al-'Aqeelah,Al-'Alimah,Al-Kamilah,Al-Fadhilah,As-Siddiqah,as-Sughra,Umm ul-Masa'aib
Date of birth: 5 jumadi al-awwal, 6 hijrah
Place of birth: madinah
Father's name: ali ibn abi talib (AS)
Mother's name: fatimah bint muhammad (pbhu & hp)

our great lady Aalimatu Ghayru Mu'allamah, Aqeelatu Bani Hashim, As-Sayyedah Zainab (SA) was the grand daughter of the seal of the prophets and the greatest of all the messengers, the habeebullah, the beloved, praised and holy, the first creation of Allah, an-noor ul-awwal, prophet muhammad bin abdullah bin abd ul-muttalib bin hashim (p.b.u.h) and the daughter of ameer ul-mumineen, imam ul-muttaqeen, sayyid ul-awsiaa, batal ul-abtaal, ghaalibu kulli ghaalib, asadullah, aynullah, lisanullah, wajhullah, ali ibn abi talib (AS) and the leader of all the noble ladies of the paradise, of the earlier and the later generations,  as-siddiqat ul-kubra, fatimat uz-zahraa (SA) al-batool al-azraa.

Her remarkable life, unparralled ma'refatullah, unforgettable speeches and unsurpassable services proclaimed to the world, the sacrifices of sayyed us-shuhadaa Imam Husayn bin Ali (AS) and other members of the progeny of the holy prophet (p.b.u.h) in karbalaa in the year 61 hejrah, for the cause of islam, quraan and it's great uncompromisable values.
Had it not been for her, the tragedy of karbalaa would have faded into oblivion.

Her Irfaan, tawakkul, taqwa, zuhd, shahamat, karamat, shuja'at, sabr, isteqamat, wara', ridhaa, ikhlaas, eemaan, courage, resilience, steadfastness, patience, forbearance and submission to the Almighty Allah , are all second to none, and shall continue to inspire all people of conscience, dignity and reason who will learn her story, for all times to come, today, tommorrow and forever.

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