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His Commandments to His Companions:

His Commandments to His Companions:
After the Basmala[1]: Then after this, ask Allah your Lord for health,cleave to meekness, solemnity, and calmness. Cleave to modesty and refrain from what the righteous had refrained before you. Fear Allah, and prevent your tongue (from saying anything) but from the good. Be careful not to sharpen your tongues with false witness, false accusation, iniquity, and aggression. Because if you prevent your tongues from (saying) what Allah hates, this will be better for you with your Lord than that for which you sharpen your tongues. Because sharpening the tongue (to utter) what Allah abhors and what He prevents (you) from causes disobedience for the servant with Allah, and hatred from Him. So, Allah will bring on him deafness, dumbness, and blindness on the Day of, you become as Allah has said:” deaf, dumb (and) blind, so they do not understand.” Namely, they will not utter, nor will they be allowed to apologize. Keep silent (from everything) except that which Allah avails you with in your NEXT life and reward you for. Implore Allah very much, for Allah likes His believing servants to Implore Him, and He has promised His believing servants to accept (their supplication), and Allah will turn the du’â’ of the believers into acts to increase (their rank) in Paradise. So, remember Allah as far as possible at every hour of the hours of day and night, for Allah has ordered (you) to remember Him very much, and Allah remembers him who remembers Him of the believers. Know that anyone of the believing servants remembers Allah, Allah remembers him with good. So, do your best to obey Allah. That is because nothing of good is obtained from Allah but through obeying Him and refraining from what He has prohibited in the Koran, whether they are open or secret. He said in His Book and His Words are true:” And abandon open and secret sin.’’2 And know that Allah has prohibited what He has ordered you to refrain from. Do not follow your desires and your ideas so that you go astray, for the most astray one of people in going with Allah is he who follows his desire and his idea without guidance from Allah. Do good to yourselves as far as possible, for ‘if you do good, you will do good for your own souls, and if you do evil, it shall be for them.’ know that Allah does not make a servant of His servants safe till he (the servant) is pleased with what Allah has done to him.
‘Attend constantly to prayers and to the middle prayer and stand up truly obedient to Allah,’ as Allah, in His Book, had ordered the believer before you.
Beware of might and glory, for glory is the attribute of Allah, the Great and Almighty. So, whoever shares Allah His attribute, Allah breaks him and humiliates him on the Day of judgment. Be careful not to wrong each
Notes: _______________________________________
1 Bismifflhur rahmanur rhim= In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
2 al-An’äm, 121.
other, for it (wrong) is not among the traits of the righteous, and for whoever wrongs the (others), Allah makes his wrong against him, the help of Allah will be to him who is wronged, whomever Allah helps is victorious and gets victory from Allah. Be careful not to envy each other, for the source of unbelief was envy. Be careful not to help each other against the oppressed Muslim, so he invokes Allah against you and his invocation is accepted against you. That is because our father (i.e. grandfather) the Prophet of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said:’ Indeed, the supplication of the oppressed Muslim is accepted. So, you should help each other, for our father the Prophet of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said:’ Indeed, to help the Muslim is better and greater than to fast and to remain in the scared Mosque.’
Know that Islam (means) submission, and submission (means) Islam. So, whoever submits to (Allah) becomes Muslim; whoever does not submit to (Allah) is not Muslim. And whoever wants to do good to himself, then he should obey Allah. Indeed, whoever obeys Allah does good to himself. Be careful not to disobey Allah, for whoever disobeys Allah does evil to himself. Accordingly, there is a great difference between good and evil- the good people will obtain Paradise from their Lord; the wicked will obtain fire from their Lord. Therefore, obey Allah and a void disobeying Him.”
I (the author) say: These commandments are long. So, we have mentioned some of them. It has been mentioned in the book ‘Roudat alKâfi by al- Kulayni, may his grave be fragrant. About these commandments, al- Kulayni said:” Al- Sâdiq, peace be on him, sent them to his companions and ordered them to study these commandments and to put them into practice. So, they put them in their houses. When the performed their prayers, they looked at them.aa
Yes we must study these commandments and put them into practice because they have all good manners.
Taken From : Imam Al-Sadiq By Shaykh Mohammed al-Husayn al-Muzaffar , Translator : Jasim al-Rasheed

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