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Helping the Brothers

Helping the Brothers:
In the previous topic the Rights of Brothers, we have mentioned something about helping the brothers. However, it has been mentioned separately in the traditions of al- Sadiq, peace be on him. He, pe1ice be on him, said:” Help your brothers with what you have earned.”[1] Also he, peace be on him, said:” Come nearer to Allah through helping your brothers.”[2]
As helping the brothers is very difficult, Abü Abd Allah (al- Sadiq), peace be on him, said:” Among the strongest things which Allah has Imposed on his creatures are three: (The believer should) treat his believing brother with (nametya he should love to him what he loves to himself helping the believing brother with money, calling to mind Allah’s name during every attitude- it is not to say Subhana Allah waaa1- hamdu lillah rather during (doing) what Allah has prohibited him from.”[3]
I (the author) say: Indeed these are among the difficult things for the person to do, for they Oppose his strongest pleasure such as self- love, money- love, pride, and so on.
Notes: _______________________________________
1 Ibid 8/415/4.
2 al-Sudiq,al-Khisal.
3 Wasa il al- Shi,a, 5/41515.
Taken From : Imam Al-Sadiq By Shaykh Mohammed al-Husayn al-Muzaffar , Translator : Jasim al-Rasheed

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