
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

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Some Traditions that Appear to Conflict with Hadith al­Thaqalayn - Hold on to the covenant of Ibn Umm `Abd (i.e. `Abd Allah ibn Mas`ud).

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 "Hold on to the covenant of Ibn Umm `Abd (i.e. `Abd Allah ibn Mas`ud)."

Sayyid Hamid Husayn then goes on to deal with some other narrations ascribed to the Prophet (S) and cited by Shah `Abd al­`Aziz, which are:

    Hold on to the covenant of Ibn Umm `Abd (i.e. `Abd Allah ibn Mas`ud).

    That which Ibn Umm `Abd approves of is approved for you by me.

Both of these are weak (da`if) and isolated (ahad) traditions, while Hadith al-Thaqalayn is a mutawatir one. That both Muslim and al­Bukhari did not record them in their works indicates that they considered their isnad to be weak. Moreover, even if assumed to be authentic they do not contradict Hadith al­Thaqalayn, for while they only show the merit of Ibn Mas`ud, Hadith al-Thaqalayn signifies the preeminence and leadership of the Ahl al-Bayt (A). Furthermore, it is inconsistent of Shah `Abd al-`Aziz to advance those traditions, for `Umar, instead of approving Ibn Mas`ud's acts, forbade him to give fatwa and narrate the Prophet's hadith and forbade him from leaving Madinah, which Ibn Mas`ud could not leave until the former's death. `Uthman went a step further and had Ibn Mas`ud beaten so mercilessly that his ribs were broken.


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