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Back You are here: Home Infallibles Fatimah az-Zahra Poems For what reason was Fatimas grave concealed (poem)

For what reason was Fatimas grave concealed (poem)

For what reason was Fatimas grave concealed

For what reason was Fatimas grave concealed,

For in her praise Surat ul-Kawther was revealed,

For what reason do we not know the day?

Upon which Zahra in her hidden grave lay.

For what reason do we not know where is Fatimas grave,

For the prophet of Allah would always bless her and praise,

For what reason do some try and twist the truth,

By claiming Fatima died naturally in her blossoming youth.

Let us remember the most tragic and painful tale,

Let us remember the burning door, the broken ribs and the pierced nail,

Let us remember the daughter of the Rasool,

Let us remember what happened to Fatima al-Batool.

Let us remember what had happen to her,

Let us remember what happened to our mother,

Let us remember that sad and tragic event,

Let us remember our mother and let us lament,

For she was called the mother of her father,

Of the women in this world there was no better,

She was the best of Nisaa ul-Alameen,

Better than our mother we have never seen.

Imam Hasan, Imam Hussein Say:

In front of the door they all had piled the wood,

Whilst behind the door my mother Zahra stood,

They then managed to rapidly burn the door,

This event I witnessed and saw.

Don’t you ever ask me why I am crying?

This happened to my mother im not lying,

That evil and ferocious man pushed the door,

So that my mother Zahra would live no more.

Fatima says:

Oh father they have broken my ribs,

They have caused pain in all of my limbs,

He forced and pierced the nail into my chest,

From that day, from that day, I can no longer rest.

That man in satan world had been trapped,

He burnt the door and my face he had slapped,

That man just and only evil did inflict,

The fetus which I carried, he also had kicked!

All of these men behavior they tend to lack,

They took Alis khilafa and my Fadak,

They forgot that those who with Ali remain,

Are following the most straight and narrow lane.

Hasanain are orphans at a young age,

This event must be written in every page,

We must tell the whole world what just happened,

The message of her martyrdom we must send.

Oh world it is vital upon you to send

What to our mother Zahra had just happened,

They caused the death of Alis wife,

And also the rapid end to Mohsens life.

Taken from: almujtaba Islamic network

Written by: Sayed Ali Al-Mousawi Al-Khalkhali

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