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Demolition of holy shrine

Second century

1 - Mansour ,the Abbasid showed the worst of his anger to the sons of Ali (PBUH) demolishing the shed on the Holy Tomb, which was built in 65 AH at the grave of Imam Hussain peace be upon him, and that was in 146 AH(1).

1 In 193 AH the Abbasid ruler Harun al-Rashid had ordered to demolish all the holy city of Karbala, including of the existing building at the tomb of Imam Hussein and his brother Abu al Fadl al Abbas peace be upon them and plowing the land wherein the holy tomb is located, demolishing the two tombs of Imam peace be upon him and all the houses that surround them and cutting the tree shading the tomb of Imam Hussain peace be upon him, and he cut it off to prevent visitors to sit by its shade underneath or guided thereby to the holy tomb, as an attempt of the tyrants' to hide it and prevent people from visiting it over ages, all so as not to draw inspiration from the values of pride and revolt against the oppressors no matter how grown up, including himself, of course.

And Harun AlRashid did all this by his viceroy in Kufa Musa bin Isa bin Mus


 Third century

1- Since 232 AH Mutawakkil Abbasi he took office and he was very hater to the master of faithful Imam Ali peace be upon him and therefore; he decided to demolish the tomb of Imam Abu Abdullah Hussain peace be upon him four times:

A) the first time: in 233 AH, after going one of his odalisque singers to visit Karbala in the Shaaban visitation, so he ordered  Umar bin al-Faraj Alrkji for the demolition of what the Abbasid  Ma'mon has repaired and ordered to demolish and plow the tomb of Hussein, peace be upon him, and when he became to the area of the tomb he passed by on the graves and when he reached the tomb of Hussein, peace be upon him did not pass it, then the followers of the household of the holy prophet peace be upon them, despite persecution and torture they had done reconstruction of his holy mausoleum and establishing houses around it.

B) the second time: in 236AH, when deliberately Mutawakil also ordered to demolish the mausoleum and the attachments and planted after the settlement of land, also ordered the demolition of what is around the mausoleum of houses and cottages  and he also prevented visiting the place and the other of the Shiite holy places and threatened visitors to impose strict sanctions on them, he called out to people: Whom we found at his tomb after three days ; so he will be imprisoned, and this is what Al-Samawy had referred to in his poem when he says:


Then heard Jafar demolishing            and plowing the land, breathe the grave

For two hundred thirty-six,                  as authorized it to Alaq and a woman


Then he instructed the task of demolition to a Jewish man named Abraham Aldezj. Then the Mutawakkil has sent him to Karbala to change the tomb of Imam Hussain peace be upon him (Department of Husseinieh Knowledge history of shrines part 1 / Ayatollah Sheikh Mohammad Sadiq Alkirbesi: p. 269.), Aldezj according to the order of the Mutawakil not only demolished the tomb, but hit all around demolishing the city of Karbala as a whole, and then he plowed it and sent water over the place, and when he reached the grave no one dared to do any thing they all were full of fear, then he brought Jews people and they plowed the land and sent water on it, and then he entrusted ordered the army to prevent the visitors from visiting the holy tomb by force and punishment of murder (History of Karbala and tomb of Hussein / Dr. Abd Al-Jawad Ali,: p. 203.). Al-Mutawakil has ordered to cut the hand of any one who come to visit the holy tomb of Abu Abdullah Al-Hussein (PBUH) for the first time and to cut his leg for his second visit (studies on the role of Karbala and civilization: 628.) .

Abu Ali Al-Amari has met Abraham Aldezj and asked about the matter , he answered him saying: When I came only with my especial servants, and I dug the tomb and found a new mat with the body of Hussein bin Ali, and I found it the smell of musk then I left the body as it is and ordered to be buried and to be covered with water and also ordered the tomb to be plowed but when the cow reached the holy tomb it stopped, I swore to my servants by God and faith, if any one said any thing of this, I will surely kill him (Seas of Lights: by Al-Majlisy  p45 / 394: part 2.) and Al-Samawy describes the event saying:


Then we prowled the ground but the cow         come to that place and stop walking

And  once  it  come  to  plow                               retreated  to  walk  on   heels

Then we sent water over the grave               But it was being standing, walking not 

(the areas of kindness: 2 / 26)




It seems that the followers of the household peace be upon them, did not leave the tomb of imam unchanged but thy renovated it as appropriate despite the narrowing of the authorities on them.


C) the third time: in 237 AH while the Mutawakkil has know that people are gathering in the land of Nineveh to visit the tomb of Imam Hussain peace be upon him and becomes a large crowd near the grave, so he ordered a leader of his and known as Aaron Al-Ma'arry and also included the minister with him and others in addition to Ibrahim Aldezj, to carry out the demolition and plowing as well as personnel,  and to dig the tomb of Imam Hussain peace be upon him  prevents people from visiting and meeting at his grave, and they did what ordered it (sailor Lights: Houses of the h 45 / 397 5 - 45 / 395 / h 3) and one of the researchers comments (the tyrant was unsuccessful in this time, such as what he has done previously in order to influence public opinion , and the Actual severe resistance to soldiers endured by the natives on the other hand) (history of Karbala and confused Hussain peace be upon him / Abdel-Gawad, Ben Ali, yesterday: 209) His visitors peace be upon him are still keeping visiting and repairing his holy tomb.

In 240 AH AL-Ashnany a follower of the household peace be upon them went to visit the grave of Imam Hussain peace be upon him secretly, accompanied by a spice dealer.  When they arrived the place of the tomb, they began searching the grave until they found it and that the large number of what had been plowed and covered with water the saw the uprooting, and burning of the casement, which was surrounding the holy tomb, and it was covered with water and became like a ditch around the grave and when they completed the visitation, they put marks on several places of the grave (The date of the scientific movement in Karbala / Noor Din bin Mohamed Ahaherody: 16.) Al-Ashnany describes the security situation at the time saying: (... we went outside as visitors sleeping the day and walking the night until we got aspects of Al-gadhiriah, and left at midnight we sneaked between two armed groups wile they were sleeping until we got to the tomb and began utterly smelling ... etc) (fighter Atalibien: Ali ibn al-Husayn al-Isfahani: 479).


D) the fourth time: in 247 Al-Mutawakil had heard again that people of Iraq in general  and Kufa especially are keeping walking to Karbala to visit the tomb of Imam Hussain peace be upon him and theu are gathering there, and there became a large market, He ordered a leader with many soldiers and ordered calling for killing all visitors of Abu Abdullah Al-Hussein and he dug and plowed the land and prevented people from the visitation, and worked to keep watching Al Abi Talib and Shiites killing many of them (Bihar Lights: the houses: 45/397 h 5) The demolition of Mutawakkil to the tomb of Imam Hussain peace be upon him in the fourth time was in the 15th of Sha'ban when people arrive frequently to visit Karbala at that time (history of Karbala and confused Hussein: Ali Abdel-Gawad, yesterday: 214).


The demolition at this time has been assumed to Ibrahim Aldezj also that he says: The Mutawakkil ordered me to go out to Nineveh to the tomb of Hussein and ordered us to plow and to conceal  the marks of the grave, ew got there in the evening and soldiers were ready with their shovels, I pointed to my servants and friends to carry out the deed demolishing the grave and plowing its land. Feeling so fatigued of travel, I lied on the ground and slept, then a loud noise and loud sound, 

made the boys to wake me up, I got up panicked , I told my boys: What is the matter? They said: "most amazing"?!  I said: What is that? They said: " Some people are at the grave and they have hindered us from the grave throwing us with arrows, I took them to discern it, and found it as they described, and that was at the first night of white nights, I said: throw them, and they did but our arrows returned back to us and every arrow hit its owner who threw it, killing him, so I was so amazed and dismayed and caught  fever, and left the grave, and I settled in a town better than being killed by Al-Amutawakil, for I did not succeeded to do what he ordered (Bihar Al-Anwar: by Al-Majlisy: 45 / 395 / h 4).

Injustice has spread with the news of demolishing the tomb of the grand son of the Prophet peace be upon him among people so Muslims got hurt hearing those news then people of Baghdad wrote ,insulting him, on walls, poets have wrote satirizing  him. The Mutawakil has put his hand on the endowments on the funds of the holy tomb of Hussain (PBUH) and distributed them to his soldiers, saying: (The grave is not in need of funds and cupboards) (History of Karbala and the holy shrine of Imam Hussein: Ali Abdel-Gawad,: 163) and Its said :

When the holy tomb was covered with water it dried up after 40 days and the tomb marks were completely vanished, a bedouin from Bani Asad came started taking grips of its soil smelling them until he fell on the tomb of Hussein, peace be upon him, and wept and said, let my father and mother be your servants what good you are ,dead or alive, and then cried and say:


They wanted to hide his tomb from his follower          and the perfumed dust lead to it (translation of the son of the prophet, from history of Damascus by Ibn Asaker: 275)


Note that what happened to the tomb of Imam Hussein peace be upon him was to the tomb of our master Abu al Fadl al Abbas pseace be upon him.

2- in 269 AH, the holy shrines in the holy city of Karbala faced tamper and theft by the Dabba-Asadi,  as historian said that the Dabba was the prince of the city of Ain Altamr,  attacked Karbala and plundered and held her family as captives to Castle of Ain Altamr then the caliph Adhd Aldawlah  attacked with his army the city and besieged the castle for some time and Dabba was surprised that the military surrounded his castle, then he thought only to escape and get survived himself and his horse jumping over the castle wall, smashing his horse, and escaped by himself and ran away, the caliph  seized the mentioned castle and took the family of Dabba as captives to Karbala returning the people of Karbala who were captured by Dabba to their native city (Alkamil by Ibn Al-Atheer- part7 p. 153) . 

Ninth century

1- In 858 AH the mausoleum has been vandalized by Ali bin Falah, a princes of the State of Al-Musha'shi'ein  in Ahwas and Huweyzah. He was nicknamed (A Shasha'a dissident)) the author of the bright light, and called by others as Maula  Ali,and the Guardian, in the late days of his father, when he carried people to believe that the spirit of Imam Ali peace be upon him had been resolved it!!! Then claimed divinity and being god(Al-A'alam , Ali Al-Zrcelli  part 5:p.175) In that year, he entered the Holy Shrine of Imam Husseinieh riduing his horse and ordered to break the casement put on the holy tomb making the holy shrine a kitchen to cook food his soldiers!!! And began killing the people of Karbala   plundering their money as fleecing everything found in The Tow Holy Shrines of precious rare antiques, and he had done what he did in the holy city of Karbala, and after seizing the two cities, ran away to Basrah after knowing the arrival of the large army to combat it, led by (Bear Bodaq) , and then fled from Basra to Iran, where he was hit by an arrow by some of the Turks and died in 861 AH.


1- Incident of Wahhabism

This incident was in 1216 AH and it is called the battle of Al-Taf II, Lonkerik had reported this painful incident with details. He said: the news of approaching of  Wahhabists from Karbala was spread on the eve of the second day of April, when most of the residents of the town of Najaf were doing the visitation specialized to the day of Ghadeer , then all people who stayed in the city rushed  to close the doors, but the Wahhabists -  estimated six hundred of the infantry,  four hundred knights - encamped there and divided power into three sections and they attacked the nearest gate from the shade of a cell and opened it by force and entered the town and the residents were perplexed and they are fleeing randomly, but as their fear wishes, The Wahhabists have made their way to the holy shrines and began rooting out every thing on the holy tomb the metal bars of the casement, the fence and the mirrors the grave and looted valuables and needs of precious gifts pashas and princes and kings of the Persians, as well as robbed wall decorations and the uprooting of gold ceilings and took the candlesticks, carpets luxury pendants, precious and doors studded collection of this kind has withdrawn all and transferred to overseas and killing was in addition to all these bad deeds

Nearly fifty people near the mausoleum and five hundred also outside of the mausoleum in the Shrine, but the town itself was ravaged by invaders brutes where they corrupted and sabotaged  and killed without mercy whoever they encountered  also every house was stolen, and no mercy to old men and the children, no  respect to women or men. All have non got saved of their barbarity not from their capturing  and some has estimated the dead to be a thousand people, and others, many times higher.

2- Incident of Najib Pasha

The incident occurred late in 1258 AH, a lot of men, women and children were killed by the Ottoman viceroy Muhammad Najib Pasha, who the govern Baghdad. He commanded to break into the holy city of Karbala after the children of this city refused to submit to his rule and what he issued of the unfair, at that time he ordered the city's residents to disarm and submit to the authority of the Ottoman state and giving them to the full month after the expiry of the period specified, there was no change in the attitude of the people of Karbala, forcing Najib Pasha to equip the army led by Saad Allah Pasha walking to the city surrounding it , and bombarded by a barrage of bombs, then people were resorting to the holy mausoleum of Abu Fadl Abbas peace be upon him seeking refuge and getting saved of murder, the Ottoman army has attacked them from the door of the khan, when a hole in the wall of the courtyard had been caused by the fighting which continued for two days, The number of victims, was ten thousand, of whom a large collection of scientists and Clerics.

Sheikh Abdul Hussein Ahmed Al-Aminy in his book (the martyrs of virtue) states from who witnessed the incident from the Scholars, that they said, as the stopped fighting, we counted the dead and asked undertakers and verified that. The dead were more than twenty thousand men, women and boys. Four , five up to ten were put together in one grave and being buried without washing or shroud, and we searched the dead many of them were in the rooms, and we found others in the crypt which is under the porch of the shrine of Abu Al Fadl al Abbas peace be upon him more than three hundred people, and it seems that the tyrant Mohamed Najib Pasha took over the country and kept it for three days with killing and sacking and entered with his army to the Holy Shrine of Al-Abbas peace be upon him and ruined the buildings and killed whoever sought refuge by the holy tomb.


1- Incident of Wahhabism

This incident was in 1216 AH and it is called the battle of Al-Taf II, Lonkerik had reported this painful incident with details. He said: the news of approaching of  Wahhabists from Karbala was spread on the eve of the second day of April, when most of the residents of the town of Najaf were doing the visitation specialized to the day of Ghadeer , then all people who stayed in the city rushed  to close the doors, but the Wahhabists -  estimated six hundred of the infantry,  four hundred knights - encamped there and divided power into three sections and they attacked the nearest gate from the shade of a cell and opened it by force and entered the town and the residents were perplexed and they are fleeing randomly, but as their fear wishes, The Wahhabists have made their way to the holy shrines and began rooting out every thing on the holy tomb the metal bars of the casement, the fence and the mirrors the grave and looted valuables and needs of precious gifts pashas and princes and kings of the Persians, as well as robbed wall decorations and the uprooting of gold ceilings and took the candlesticks, carpets luxury pendants, precious and doors studded collection of this kind has withdrawn all and transferred to overseas and killing was in addition to all these bad deeds

Nearly fifty people near the mausoleum and five hundred also outside of the mausoleum in the Shrine, but the town itself was ravaged by invaders brutes where they corrupted and sabotaged  and killed without mercy whoever they encountered  also every house was stolen, and no mercy to old men and the children, no  respect to women or men. All have non got saved of their barbarity not from their capturing  and some has estimated the dead to be a thousand people, and others, many times higher.


2- Incident of Najib Pasha

The incident occurred late in 1258 AH, a lot of men, women and children were killed by the Ottoman viceroy Muhammad Najib Pasha, who the govern Baghdad. He commanded to break into the holy city of Karbala after the children of this city refused to submit to his rule and what he issued of the unfair, at that time he ordered the city's residents to disarm and submit to the authority of the Ottoman state and giving them to the full month after the expiry of the period specified, there was no change in the attitude of the people of Karbala, forcing Najib Pasha to equip the army led by Saad Allah Pasha walking to the city surrounding it , and bombarded by a barrage of bombs, then people were resorting to the holy mausoleum of Abu Fadl Abbas peace be upon him seeking refuge and getting saved of murder, the Ottoman army has attacked them from the door of the khan, when a hole in the wall of the courtyard had been caused by the fighting which continued for two days, The number of victims, was ten thousand, of whom a large collection of scientists and Clerics.

Sheikh Abdul Hussein Ahmed Al-Aminy in his book (the martyrs of virtue) states from who witnessed the incident from the Scholars, that they said, as the stopped fighting, we counted the dead and asked undertakers and verified that. The dead were more than twenty thousand men, women and boys. Four , five up to ten were put together in one grave and being buried without washing or shroud, and we searched the dead many of them were in the rooms, and we found others in the crypt which is under the porch of the shrine of Abu Al Fadl al Abbas peace be upon him more than three hundred people, and it seems that the tyrant Mohamed Najib Pasha took over the country and kept it for three days with killing and sacking and entered with his army to the Holy Shrine of Al-Abbas peace be upon him and ruined the buildings and killed whoever sought refuge by the holy tomb.


Fifteenth century

1 - Shaaban uprising 1411 AH - March 1991

People were fed up with the methods of disorder and persecution done by the  offender tyrant regime who ruled Iraq with the harsher methods, for twenty-three years and it became worst after venturing the deposed tyrant to enter the State of Kuwait as an invader on 2/8/1990 AD, and attacking coalition of western countries, led by America his army there starting on the night 01/17/1991, which led to the disintegration and break of his army returning from Kuwait on foot – because of the lack of enough transport and targeted by the severe aerial bombardment which targeted even the groups of the disarmed soldiers during their withdrawal and that what would create in the hearts of most of those who entered this unequal battle, incensed at the despotic regime who brought the country into a new adventure caused ,this time, the rest of its rich economy which was non-invested correctly to crash down, which was originally damaged due to past wars of the ousted regime and its mismanagement of the country, and that battle caused his army to be in the worst case, many fallout have followed this war due to targeting coalition forces to the infrastructures of the Iraqi factories and civilian installations for fuel and electricity installations and dams and water points and everything related to people living, causing their lives to get paralyzed, which make ordinary people unable to provide their living in addition to killing and destruction wrought by American aircraft and missiles with their allies to the civilians, and the lack or scarcity of services like water, electricity and public services, all of this and what the tyrant regime has done of oppression before and after war and which had been  a strong motive roused enthusiasm of the people and some soldiers fleeing from being oppressed in the army to carry out the revolution in most of Iraq's eighteen provinces - when two of them did not raise with the rising of some small towns in these two cities – to achieve liberty of  the provinces that raised all its cities and villages, including the holy city of Karbala, which had the great share in this revolution that began in the city on Tuesday, the fifth of March 1991 AD and the holy city continued resisting the army and the remaining members of his collapsed army from his supporters - after the defection of others and joining some people - which began gathering whoever could be of his army here and there to attack the holy city and especially from the Republican Guard divisions ,over days with the various types of weapons, where the people of the city presented all what they own of precious things through heroic resistance fierce crashed on its feet all attempts of Saddam's army to access and enter the resisting city, forcing the disorder finally to the bombardment from the air and land, heavy, severe shelling that has not been seen in the pages of history of tyrants against their own people, after the U.S. allowed the buried regime of Saddam to use helicopters in fighting people despite the Air of the Saddamic ragime was originally forbidden by the U.S. on the impact of Ejecting out of Kuwait!!! Analysts have said that this U.S. support for the Saddamic regime despite being its enemy is due to their fear of popular revolution and the formation of a government that does not agree with the West in Iraq is a desirable alternative for Saddam, it is ,the Saddamic regime, which gave America and the West is not achieved by any governor of sabotage and destruction of the country, land and people and hence removing the risk - albeit temporarily – of becoming a developed country, including the potential of human and material to qualify for being so if it is governed by the faithful of his sons, constituting a manner a threat to the Zionist entity's security the strategic ally to America as well as harm to others interests in the region, and this what caused the US to support the rule of the tyrant until more favorable circumstances come causing it to be the decision-maker and initiative to ousted it and miss out on the Iraqis once again the opportunity to the demise of the tyrant by their own will and to keep their country independent, without invasions and the Foreign dictates and the repercussions which are still going so far.

The rebels uprising in the Sha'ban Revolution have managed to break down some helicopters of the tyrant by their simple resources and the causing the heaviest losses to his aggressor shells and tanks, where a column of tanks (20) tank or more were watched entering the holy city of karbalaa from the northern entrance (the road to Baghdad), where the rebels have enabled the convoy to reach the area near the Shrine of Imam  Abbas PBUH (the door of Baghdad) and besieged it. They destructed and burned the first and last tank in the column and trapped the rest of the column between the burnt tanks, most of the power members were captured and the rest fled, as well as the rest of the ports of the city that has remained immune to the aggressors.

Thus, the battles continue, until the ammunition and food has petered from the besieged city, which was resistant to the ousted Saddamic army during that period ant people ,seeking refuge, came to the two Holy Shrines and, sitting and seeking refuge inside them, men, women and children . A barrage of bombs and missiles and heavy artillery remained pouring fire on the shrine Mosques, resulting in to the injury of the noble dome of the shrine of Abu al Fadl al Abbas peace be upon him, as well as the castle of the main door (the door of the qibla) of the Holy Shrine and another clock tower. A large number of women and children and the elderly 

Who were sheltering inside the Holy Shrine got martyred; the Holy Shrine was profaned and the library, manuscripts and some valuables and gifts were looted after the army entered and executed all the alive  inside the Holy Shrine.

We can not fail to mention that the offender disorder of Saddam has violated this city and his gangs executed thousands of young and old, women and children indiscriminately to the extent that many people had been buried alive under the supervision of the terrorist killer Saddam's son-in-law Hussein Kamel and a mass grave has been found, which included the bodies of hundreds of women and children,  in front of shrine of camp of al-Hussein in the middle of the old downtown, which has been turned into a park in 09/01/2008 ..


Taken from: Alkafeel Global Network


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