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Repentance (Baraah) -9


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 09
9 At-Tawba

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1. (This is a declaration of) immunity from God and His Prophet (Muhammad) to the idolaters with whom you have a covenant.
2. So go about in the world for four months, and know that you are not frustrating God, and that God brings shame to the infidels.
3. And an announcement from God and His Prophet to the people on the day of the great pilgrimage, that God is immune (from any obligation to) the idolaters, and (so is) His Prophet; therefore, if you repent, it will be for your own good, and if you turn back, then know that you are not frustrating God, and announce (O Our Messenger Muhammad) a painful chastisement to those who disbelieve.
4. Except those (with whom) you have entered into a pact, from the idolaters who thereafter did not fail you in aught and have not backed anyone against you, so fulfill their pact to the end of their term; God loves those who guard themselves (against evil).
5. When the sacred months are past, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them; seize them and besiege them, and wait for them in every ambush. If they repent, establish prayer, and pay zakat, leave their way free to them; God is the oft-Forgiving, the Merciful.
6. If any of the idolaters seeks protection from you, grant him protection till he hears the Words of God, then convey him to his place of safety; this is so because they are people who do not understand.
7. How can there be any covenant to the idolaters with God and His Messenger except for those with whom you made a covenant at the Sacred Mosque? So long as they stand true to you, then you too be true to them; God loves those who guard themselves (against evil).
8. How can there be any alliance since if they overcome you, they will regard no tie nor covenant? They allure you with sweet words while their hearts are averse (to you), and most of them are transgressors.
9. They have bartered the signs of God for a miserable price, so they turn others away from His Way; evil is what they do.
10. In case of a believer, they pay no regard to any tie, nor to any covenant, and these are they that transgress the limits.
11. But if they repent and establish (regular) prayer, and pay zakat, then they are your brethren in faith, and We explain the signs for people who understand.
12. If they violate their oaths after their covenant, and revile your religion, then fight the leaders of infidelity; there is no oath for them so that they may desist.
13. Will you not fight the people who violated their oaths and plotted to expel the Messenger, having attacked you first? Do you fear them, whereas God is the most deserving that you should fear, if you are believers?
14. Fight them so that God may chastise them by your hands, put them to shame, help bring victory over them, and heal the injured breasts of the believers.
15. He removes the rage of the hearts, and God turns (Merciful) to whomsoever He pleases; God is all-Knowing, all-Wise.
16. Or do you think (O believers) that you will be left alone while God does not yet know those of you who strove and did not take anyone as intervener besides God, His Messenger, and the believers? God is fully aware of all that you do.
17. It is not for the idolaters to maintain the mosques of God, while they themselves indict their own souls with infidelity. These it is whose deeds are vain, and in the Fire shall they forever abide.
18. Only he shall maintain the mosques of God that believes in God and the Last Day, establishes prayer, pays zakat, and fears none save God; so these it may be that are rightly guided.
19. Do you make the serving of water to the pilgrims and maintenance of the Sacred Mosque equal to (the deeds of) one who believes in God and the last day and strives in God’s Way? They are not equal in God’s view, and God does not guide the unjust people.
20. Those who believed (in God), migrated and strove in God’s Way with their possessions and lives, are the highest in rank in God’s view, and only those shall achieve salvation.
21. Their Lord gives them glad tidings of mercy from Him and (His) pleasure, and of gardens wherein lasting bounties are theirs (from their Lord),
22. Abiding therein forever; with God is a great reward.
23. O you who believe! Do not take your fathers or brothers for friends if they favour infidelity over faith, and whosoever of you makes friends with them, then he shall be of the unjust ones.
24. Say (O Our Messenger Muhammad): “If your fathers, sons, brethren, kindred, wives, possessions you have acquired, trade the recess of which you fear, the dwellings you delight therein.., are dearer to you than God and His Messenger, and the striving in His Way, then wait till God brings about His Command; God does not guide people who transgress.”
25. Certainly God helped you in many [battle]fields, and on the day of Hunayn when you rendered your great numbers futile and availed you nothing, and the earth was straitened against you although it is spacious, then you turned back retreating.
26. Then God sent down His Tranquility (sakina) upon His Messenger and the believers, and He sent down hosts which you did not see, and (thereby) chastised those who disbelieved; that is the recompense of the infidels.
27. Then God will turn Merciful after this to whomsoever He pleases, and God is the oft-Forgiving, most Merciful.
28. O you who believe! Indeed the idolaters are unclean, so they shall not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year. If you fear poverty, then God will soon enrich you through His Grace if He pleases; God is all-Knowing, all-Wise.
29. Fight those who do not believe in God nor in the Last Day, nor prohibit what God and His Prophet have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the jizya (tributary tax) and remain subdued.
30. The Jews say: “Ezra is the son of God,” while the Christians say: “The Messiah is the son of God.” These are words coming out of their mouths; they only echo the saying of those who disbelieved before. God fights them; how they turn away!
31. They take their divines and monks as lords besides God, and also the Messiah son of Mary, while they were commanded to worship God, the Only One; there is no god but He; pure is He and Exalted from what they associate with Him.
32. They intend to put out the light of God with their mouths, while God disdains (everything) save that He perfects His light, though the infidels may detest it.
33. He it is Who sent His Prophet with guidance and the religion of truth that He might make it prevail over all other religions, though the polytheists may detest it.
34. O you who believe! Indeed many divines and monks eat away the properties of men through their falsehood, and obstruct others from the Way of God; announce a painful chastisement to those who hoard up gold and silver and do not spend it in God’s way;
35. On the Day (of Judgment), it shall be heated in the fire of Hell, then their foreheads, sides, and backs shall be branded therewith, while it is said to them: “This is what you hoarded up for yourselves; taste then what you hoarded.”
36. Indeed the number of months with God is twelve in God’s Book (since) the Day He created the heavens and the earth. Of them, four are sacred; that is the established religion; so, do not be unjust therein to your own selves, and fight the polytheists altogether, even as they fight you altogether, and know that God is with the pious.
37. Indeed the postponing (of a prohibitive month) is only an addition to infidelity, with which those who disbelieve go astray; they allow it one year and forbid it another, that they may adjust the number of months God has deemed forbidden, thus they allow what God has forbidden; the evil of their deeds has been made fair-seeming to them. God does not guide the infidel people.
38. O you believe! What ails you that you heavily incline to earth when it is said to you: “Go forth (to fight) in the Way of God” ? Are you contented with the life of this world instead of the hereafter? What is the provision of the life of this world compared to the hereafter? Indeed the provision of the life of this world compared to the hereafter is but a trifling.
39. Unless you go forth, He will chastise you with a painful chastisement, and He will put in your place people other than you, and no harm will you do unto Him; God has power over all things.
40. If you do not help him (the Prophet), it does not matter, for indeed God helped him when those who disbelieved expelled him. He was the second of two. When they both were in the cave, he said to his companion: “Do not worry; God is with us.” So God sent down tranquility upon him, and strengthened him with hosts (of angels) you did not see, and made the word of those who did not believe abased, and the Word of God exalted to the heights; indeed God is the Almighty, the all-Wise.
41. Go forth (with) light and heavy equipment, and strive in the way of God with your possessions and lives; this is better for you, if you only know.
42. Had there been any immediate gain, and the journey made easy, certainly they would have followed you, but the distance was too long for them; yet they still swear by God saying: “Had we been able, we would surely have gone with you.” They cause their own souls to perish, and God knows that they certainly are liars.
43. God forgives you (O Our Messenger Muhammad)! Why did you give them leave (to stay behind) until those who spoke the truth became manifest to you and you had known the liars?
44. Those who believe in God and the Last Day do not ask leave of you (to be exempted) from striving with their wealth and lives, and God knows who is pious.
45. Only those who do not believe in God and the Last Day ask leave of you (to be exempt), and their hearts are in doubt, hence in their doubt are they tossed to and fro.
46. Had they (really) intended to go forth, they would certainly have made preparations for it, but God was averse to their going forth, so He withheld them, and it was said to them: “Sit (inactively) with those who stay behind.”
47. Had they gone forth with you, they would not have added (to your strength) aught save mischief, and they would have certainly hurried about (to and fro) amidst you, sowing dissensions amidst you, and among you there are those who hearken to them, and God knows the unjust.
48. Certainly they sought dissension before they upset matters for you, until the truth came and the decree of God prevailed, though they were averse thereto.
49. Among them there is (many) a man who says: “Exempt me, and do not try me.” Surely have they already fallen into trial and Hell encompasses the infidels.
50. If any good befalls you, it grieves them, and if any hardship afflicts you, they say: “Indeed we have taken care of our affair before,” and they turn away and they rejoice.
51. Say (O Our Messenger Muhammad): “Never shall anything afflict us save what God has decreed for us; He is our Lord, and on God should the believers rely.”
52. Say: “Should await for us aught but one of the two excellent things (victory or martyrdom)? And we can expect for you that God will afflict you with a chastisement from Himself or from our hands. Then wait, we too will wait with you.”
53. Say: “Spend willingly or reluctantly; it shall never be accepted from you, for you are a transgressing people.”
54. Nothing hinders the acceptance of their offerings save that they reject God and His Messenger (Muhammad), and they come only sluggishly to prayer, and only reluctantly do they contribute.
55. Therefore let not their wealth nor children amaze you. Indeed God intends only to torment them with these (things) in the life of this world, and that their souls depart disbelievers.
56. They swear by God that they are surely of you, whereas they are not of you, but are in fact afraid (of you).
57. If they could find a refuge, or caves, or a place to enter (to hide) therein, they would certainly have turned themselves to it, rushing thereto (in haste).
58. And of them are those who blame you with regard to the (distribution of) alms; if they are given from it, they are pleased, and if they are not, behold! They are enraged.
59. If only they were contented with what God and His Messenger had given them and said: “God is sufficient for us! Soon will God give us of His Grace and His Messenger too; to God alone do we all turn (in hope).”
60. Indeed alms are only for the poor, the needy, the workers (administrating poor-rates), those whose heart’s alliance is sought, (the ransoming of) the captives, those in debt, the (promotion of the) Way of God, and the wayfarer, a duty ordained by God, and God is all-Knowing, all-Wise.
61. Among them are those who hurt the Prophet (Muhammad) and say: “He is all ears (i.e. believes everything he hears).” Say (O Muhammad): “He listens to what is best for you; he believes in God and has faith in the believers, and is a mercy to those of you who believe.” For those who hurt the Prophet of God is a grievous chastisement.
62. They swear by God to you that they might please you, and God and His Prophet (Muhammad) have a greater right that they should please Him, if they are believers.
63. Do they know that the fire of Hell is for whoever opposes God and His Prophet (Muhammad), to abide forever therein? That is the grievous abasement.
64. The hypocrites fear lest a sura should be sent about them declaring openly to them what is really in their hearts. Say: “You scoff! Indeed God brings forth what you fear.”
65. If you question them, they will surely say: “We were only discoursing and jesting.” Say: “At God, His signs and His Messengers do you scoff?”
66. Do not make excuses; indeed you have denied after believing. If We pardon a party of you, We will chastise another, for surely they are the guilty ones.
67. Hypocrite men and women are one from another; they enjoin evil and forbid good, withholding their hands (from spending in the Way of God). They have forsaken God, so He has forsaken them; verily, the hypocrites are the transgressors.
68. God has promised the hypocrite men and women, and the disbelievers, the fire of Hell to abide therein; it suffices them. God has cursed them, and for them is the everlasting chastisement.
69. (O hypocrites! You are) like those (who flourished) before you; they were stronger than you in might, and more abundant in wealth and offspring; so they enjoyed their portion; thus have you enjoyed your portion as those before you enjoyed theirs, and you indulge in vain discourses just as those (before you) indulged. These are those whose works have come to naught in this world and the hereafter, and these are the losers.
70. Did the news of those before them not come to them? (News) of Noah and ‘Ad and Thamud, the people of Abraham, the inhabitants of Midian, and the cities overthrown? Their Messengers came to them with clear proofs (of their truthfulness). Thus it was not God who did injustice to them, but they were unjust to their own souls.
71. Believing men and women are guardians of one another; they enjoin good and forbid evil, establish (regular) prayer and pay zakat, and obey God and His Prophet (Muhammad). God shall bestow on these His mercy; God is Almighty, all-Wise.
72. God has promised the believing men and women gardens beneath which rivers flow to abide therein forever, and excellent mansions in the gardens of Eden. But the good-will of God is the greatest; that is the grand achievement.
73. O Our Prophet (Muhammad)! Strive hard against the infidels and the hypocrites, and be firm with them, and their abode shall be Hell, and what an evil destination it is!
74. They swear by God that they did not utter (what they are charged with, although) they did indeed utter the word of infidelity, and they disbelieved after their (embracing) Islam. They plotted what they could not achieve, and they only sought revenge because God and His Prophet had enriched them by His Grace. If they repent, it will be good for them, and if they turn back, God will chastise them with a painful chastisement in this world and the hereafter; there shall be neither protector for them on earth nor helper.
75. Of them are those who made a Covenant with God: “If He grants us out of His Grace, we will certainly give charity and we will certainly be of the righteous.”
76. But when He did grant them out of His Grace, they became niggardly therewith, and they turned back, averse.
77. So in consequence, He has effected hypocrisy in their hearts till the day when they meet Him, because they had failed to fulfill their promise to God, and because they used to lie (continuously).
78. Do they not know that God knows their hidden thoughts and their secret whisperings, and that God is the Great Knower (of everything unseen)?
79. God will scoff at those who traduce the free givers of charity among the believers, and those who find nothing (to give) but their hard earnings, scoffing thereat, and for them shall be a painful torment.
80. Seek (O Our Messenger Muhammad) forgiveness for them, or do not seek it; it will be the same; even if you seek forgiveness for them seventy times, God will never forgive them. This is so because they disbelieved in God and His Prophet (Muhammad), and God does not guide the transgressing people.
81. Those left behind (in the expedition of Tabuk) were delighted for their sitting (inactive) behind God’s Prophet, and they were averse from striving in God’s Way with their wealth and lives, and they said (to the others): “Do not go in the heat.” Say: “The fire of Hell is fiercer in heat,” if only they could understand.
82. They, therefore, shall laugh little and weep much as a recompense for what they used to earn.
83. So if God brings you back to a party of them, then they seek your permission to go forth, say: “You shall never go forth with me, and you shall never fight an enemy with me; you chose to sit (idle) the first time, so sit (now also idly) with those who stay behind.”
84. And do not pray at all for any of them that dies, and never stand at his grave, for they disbelieved in God and His Prophet, and they died wicked.
85. Let not their wealth nor offspring impress you; God only wishes to chastise them with these in this world, and that their souls should depart infidel.
86. Whenever a sura is revealed (enjoining) that (they should) believe in God and strive hard along with His Prophet, those with abundant means seek your permission and say: “Leave us (behind); we may be with those who sit (at home).”
87. They prefer to be with those (women, children and the sick) who stay behind, for a seal has been set on their hearts; therefore, they do not understand.
88. But the Messenger and those who believe with him strive hard with their wealth and lives. For these are all the good things, and these are the successful ones.
89. God has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow to abide therein forever; that is the great achievement.
90. The dwellers of the desert came with excuses that permission might be given to them, and those who lied to God and His Messenger sat (at home); a grievous chastisement shall shortly reach them.
91. There shall be no blame on the weak, nor the sick, nor those who do not find any to spend so long as they are sincere to God and His Messenger. And against the doers of good there is no way (to claim), and God is oft-Forgiving, Merciful.
92. Nor is it on those who came to you to provide them with mounts, and when you said to them: “I do not find any means to transport you,” they went back with their eyes overflowing with sorrowful tears that they did not find any means to spend (in the cause).
93. Indeed the way (to charge) is only against those who seek your permission (to stay behind) while they are rich, preferring to be with the women, the children, and the sick who remain behind, not knowing (what rewards they miss).
94. They will make excuses to you when you return to them (after the expedition). Say (O Our Messenger Muhammad): “Make no excuses (now), by no means will we believe you. Indeed, God has informed us of the truth about you. Now will God behold your doings and (also) His Prophet, then shall you be returned to the Knower of everything hidden and manifest, then you will be informed of all that you were doing.”
95. They will swear to you by God, when you return to them, that you may turn aside from them; so turn aside from them; they are unclean, and their abode is Hell, a recompense for what they earned.
96. They will swear to you that you may be pleased with them, but (even) if you are pleased with them, God is not pleased with wicked people.
97. The Arabs (of the desert) are very hard in infidelity and hypocrisy, and more inclined not to know the limits which God has revealed to His Prophet, and God is all-Knowing, all-Wise.
98. And of the Arabs (of the desert) are those who believe in God and the Last Day and deem what they spend to (be means to) approach God and the blessings of the Messenger. Indeed it shall be the means of approach for them; soon shall God admit them into His mercy; God is oft-Forgiving, Merciful.
99. And among the (rustic) Arabs (of the desert) are those who believe in God and the Last Day and deem what they spend to (be the means to) approach God and the blessings of the Messenger. Indeed it shall be the means of approach for them; soon shall God admit them into His mercy; verily God is oft-Forgiving, Merciful.
100. As for the foremost, the first of the muhajirun and the ansar, and those who followed them in goodness, God is well-pleased with them and they with Him, and He has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow to abide therein forever. That is the great achievement.
101. Of those who are around you of the Arabs (of the desert) there are hypocrites, and from the inhabitants of Medina also are stubborn in hypocrisy; you do not know them, We know them; twice will We chastise them, then shall they be turned to a grievous torment.
102. And others have confessed their faults: they have mixed a good act with an evil one; God may turn to them (in mercy); God is oft-Forgiving, the Merciful.
103. Take alms out of their wealth to cleanse them and purify them thereby, and pray for them; your prayer is an assurance of peace for them. God is all-Hearing and all-Knowing.
104. They do not know that God accepts repentance from His votaries and appreciates alm-giving, and God is oft-Returning (to mercy), the Merciful.
105. And say to them: “Act as you will; God beholds your deeds, and so do His Messenger and the Believers, and then you shall be brought back to the Knower of the hidden and the manifest; it is then that He will inform you of all that you were doing.”
106. And others are made to await God’s Command, whether He will chastise them or return (in mercy) to them. God is all-Knowing, all-Wise.
107. Those who built a mosque to cause harm (to the faithful), causing infidelity and effecting disunion among the faithful, and an ambush to him who warred against God and His Messenger before, indeed swore (saying): “We desired naught but good;” and God bears witness that they are liars.
108. Never should you stand therein (to pray). Surely a mosque founded on piety from the very first day deserves more that you should stand therein (for prayers); therein are men who love to be purified. And God loves the purified ones.
109. Is he, therefore, who has laid his foundation on the fear of God and (His) Goodwill better or the one who lays his foundation on the brink of a crumbling hollow bank, so it crumbles down with him into the fire of Hell? God does not guide the unjust people.
110. The building which they built will not cease to be a source of disquiet in their hearts until their hearts are cut into pieces; God is all-Knowing, all-Wise.
111. Indeed God has purchased from the faithful their lives and possessions for theirs (in return) is the Garden (Paradise). They fight in God’s way, and they slay and are slain; (this is) a promise binding on Him in the Torah and the Evangel and the Qur’an; who is more faithful to his Covenant than God? Rejoice, therefore, in the bargain that you have transacted, and that is the great achievement.
112. (These are) they who turn to God (seeking forgiveness), who worship Him, praise Him, fast, bow down, prostrate themselves (in prayers), enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil, and keep (themselves) in God’s (ordained) limits; therefore proclaim the glad tidings to the believers.
113. It is not for the Prophet nor the believers to seek forgiveness for the idolaters, even though they may be their near of kin, after it has been declared (clearly) to them that they are the inmates of the flaming Hell[fire].
114. Nor was Abraham’s seeking forgiveness for his father other than a promise he had made to him; but when it became clear to him that he was an enemy to God, he declared himself clear of him; Abraham was very tender-hearted, patient.
115. Nor is it for God to lead people astray after guiding them (aright). He even makes it clear to them what they should abstain from; indeed God knows all things.
116. God’s is the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth; He brings to life and He causes death, and there is no guardian nor helper for you besides God.
117. Surely God has turned in mercy to the Prophet and the muhajirun and the ansar who followed him in the hour of distress, after the hearts of a party of them had nearly swerved (from duty); but He turned to them (also in mercy). Indeed to them He is Compassionate, Merciful.
118. And (also) on the three who were left behind: when the earth became straitened on them, notwithstanding its spaciousness. Even their souls were straitened, (so much so) that they thought that there was no refuge from God but to Him; then He turned to them in mercy that they might turn (to Him). Indeed God is oft-Returning (to mercy), the Merciful.
119. O you who believe! Fear God and be (always) with the truthful.
120. It was not for the people of Medina and those around them of the dwellers of the desert to stay away behind the Prophet of God, nor to perfect their lives to his. This is so because thirst does not afflict them nor fatigue nor hunger in God’s way, nor do they tread a path which enrages the infidels, nor do they receive from the enemy (any injury) but on account of its being reckoned to their credit a deed of righteousness. Indeed God does not suffer the reward of the doer of good to go in vain.
121. Nor do they spend anything (in the way of God), small or big, nor do they cut across a valley, but is recorded to their credit, that God may reward them with better than what they were doing.
122. Nor is it for the faithful that they should go forth (to war) all together; why should not then a company from every party of them go forth that they may acquire (proper) understanding in religion, and that they may warn their people when they return to them so that they may be cautious?
123. O you who believe! Fight those infidels near to you and let them find firmness in you, and know that God is with the pious.
124. Whenever a sura is revealed, some of the hypocrites ask (one another in ridicule): “Which of you has this (sura) increased in faith?” As for those who believe, it strengthens them in faith, and they rejoice thereat.
125. As to those in whose hearts there is a disease, it only increases their uncleanliness, and they shall die infidels.
126. They do not see that they are tried once or twice in every year, yet they do not turn (to God), nor do they remember.
127. Whenever a sura is revealed, they cast glances at one another (saying): “Does he (the believer) see anyone of you?” Then they turn away. God has turned their hearts away because they are people who do not understand.
128. Indeed, a Messenger has come to you from among yourselves; grievous to him is your falling into distress, so-licitous regarding your welfare; towards the faithful he is compassionate and merciful.
129. But if they turn away, Say: “God suffices me. There is no god but He. On Him do I rely, and He is the Lord of the great Throne.”

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