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Mary (Maryam) -19


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 19
19 Maryam (Mary)

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Kaf; Ha; Ya; ‘Ayn; Sad.
2. (This is) a recital of the mercy of your Lord to His servant Zachariah,
3. When he called unto his Lord in a low voice,
4. He said: “Lord! Verily my bones are weakened, and my head glistens with white hair; but I have never been unblessed in my supplication to you, O Lord!
5. “And verily I fear my kindred after me, and my wife is barren; so, grant me from Your an heir,
6. “Who shall inherit me and the family of Jacob. And make him, Lord, one with whom You are well-pleased.”
7. “O Zachariah! Verily We convey to you the glad tidings of a son. His name shall be John (Yahya), and We have never given this name to anyone before.”
8. He said: “Lord! How can I have a son when my wife is barren, and indeed I have reached extreme old age?”
9. He said: “So shall it be. Your Lord says it is easy, for indeed I created you aforetime when you were nothing.”
10. He said: “Lord! Vouchsafe me a sign.” He said: “Your sign is that you shall not speak to people for three nights, though sound (in health).”
11. Then he went out of the sanctuary to his people and signaled to them that they should glorify (God) morning and eve.
12. “O Yahya! Hold the Book fast!” We granted him judgment while still a child;
13. And compassion from Us and purity, and he was one who guarded himself (before God),
14. And he was dutiful to his parents, neither insolent nor disobedient.
15. Peace be on him the day he was born, the day he dies, and the day he is raised to life again.
16. And mention in the Book Mary (too), when she withdrew herself from her family to an eastward place.
17. Then she took a veil (to cover herself) from them; then We sent her Our Spirit, who appeared to her as a man sound (in form).
18. She said: “Verily I take refuge in the Beneficent from you, if you are God-fearing.”
19. He said: “I am only a messenger from your Lord to give you (the glad tidings of) a purified son.”
20. She said: “How can I have a son while no man has touched me, nor have I been unchaste?”
21. He said: “So shall it be. Your Lord says: `It is easy for Me, and that We may make him a sign to people, and a mercy from Us. It is a matter (already) decreed.’”
22. So she conceived him and retired to a remote place.
23. And the birth-pangs forced her to betake herself to the trunk of a palm-tree. She said: “Oh! Would I had died before this and become a thing totally forgotten!”
24. The one who was beneath her then called out to her: “Do not grieve. Verily your Lord has set a stream beneath you;
25. “So shake yourself towards the trunk of the palm tree: it will drop dates fresh and ripe upon you;
26. “Then eat and drink, and cool your eye. Then if you see any man, say: `Verily I have vowed a fast to the Beneficent, and I shall speak to no man today.’”
27. She came with him to her people carrying him. They said: “O Mary! You have surely done something strange (unexpected of you)!
28. “Sister of Aaron! Neither your father was a bad man, nor was your mother unchaste.”
29. She then pointed to him. They said: “How can we speak to a child in the cradle?”
30. He said: “Verily I am God’s servant; He has given me a Book and made me a prophet.
31. “And He has made me blessed wherever I may be, and He has enjoined on me prayer and zakat as long as I live,
32. “And (to be) dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me insolent, unblessed.
33. “And peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I am raised to life again.”
34. This is Jesus son of Mary; a statement of the truth about which they dispute.
35. It is not for God that He should take to Himself a son. Glory be to Him. When a matter is decreed, He only says to it “Be!” and it is.
36. “Indeed, God is my Lord and your Lord; so, serve (only) Him; this is the Right Path.”
37. Then the sects disputed among themselves, and woe to those who disbelieved on account of a great day.
38. How clearly shall they hear, and how clearly shall they see, on the day when they come (back) to Us! The unjust this day are in manifest error.
39. Warn them against the intense regret, when the matter is decreed; they are (now) heedless, disbelieving.
40. Verily We inherit the earth and those who are upon it and to Us shall they all be returned.
41. And mention in the Book (Qur’an) Abraham; verily he was a man of truth, a Prophet (of Ours).
42. He (Abraham) said to his father, “O father! Why do you worship that which does not hear, nor see, nor does it avail you in aught?
43. “O father! Indeed it has come to me of the knowledge that which has not come to you; so follow me: I shall guide you on the Straight Path.
44. “O father! Do not worship Satan; verily Satan was disobedient to the Beneficent (God).
45. “O father! Verily I fear a chastisement shall touch you from the Beneficent (God) should you befriend Satan.”
46. Said he, “Do you incline against my gods, O Abraham?! If you do not desist, I will certainly stone you; begone from me for a long while...”
47. He (Abraham) said, “Peace be on you! I shall pray my Lord to forgive you; verily He is most gracious unto me.
48. “I withdraw from you all and from what you call upon other than God, and I call upon only my Lord, haply in my prayer to my Lord I shall not be unblest.”
49. And when he withdrew from them and from what they worshipped besides God, We granted him Isaac and Jacob, and each of them We made a prophet.
50. And We granted them of Our mercy and assigned to them a lofty tongue of truthfulness.
51. And mention in the Book (Qur’an) Moses; verily he was specially chosen, a messenger, and a prophet.
52. And We called upon him from the right side of Mount Sinai and made him draw nigh (to Us) for a communion.
53. And We granted him out of Our mercy his brother Aaron (also) a prophet.
54. And mention in the Book (Qur’an) Ishmael; verily he was ever true to his promise, and he was a messenger, a prophet.
55. And he enjoined upon his family prayers and charity, and he was well-pleasing to his Lord.
56. And mention in the Book (Qur’an) Idris; verily he was a truthful one, a prophet.
57. And We exalted him to a high station.
58. These are the ones upon whom God bestowed His bounties from among the prophets of the posterity of Adam, and of those whom We carried (in the ark) with Noah, and of the posterity of Abraham and Israel, and of those whom We guided and We chose. When the Signs of the Beneficent (God) were rehearsed to them, they fell down prostrating (in obeisance), weeping.
59. But a succession followed after them who neglected the prayers and they followed their lust, so they shall soon meet perdition -
60. Except those who repented and believed and did good dees; these shall enter the garden (Paradise) and they shall not be dealt with unjustly in the least.
61. The Gardens of Eternity which the Beneficent (God) has promised to His servants in the Unseen: for His promise shall come to pass.
62. They will not hear any vain discourse therein but peace, and they shall have their sustenance therein in the morn and in the eve.
63. This is the garden (Paradise) which We shall cause to be inherited by the pious from among Our servants.
64. (The angels say:) “O Messenger of God (Muhammad)! We do not come down except by the command of your Lord. His is whatever before us and whatever behind us and whatever between these! And Your Lord is not forgetful.
65. “The Lord of the heavens and the earth and whatever between them both; so worship Him (alone), and be steadfast in His worship! Do you know anyone else named with the same name?!”
66. Man says, “What?! When I am dead, shall I be brought forth alive?!”
67. What?! Does man not bear in mind that We created him before when he was naught?
68. So by your Lord! Most certainly We shall gather them together and Satan too; then shall We certainly bring them forth round Hell on their knees.
69. Then shall We pick out from every group among them those who wre more intensely rebellious against the Beneficent (God).
70. And We certainly know best those who deserve most to be burnt therein.
71. And (there is) none among you but shall go down to it; this is of your Lord an (unavoidable) decided Decree.
72. Then We shall save those who guarded themselves against evil, and We shall leave the unjust therein on their knees.
73. When Our clear Signs are rehearsed unto them, those who disbelieve say to those who believe, “Which of the two parties is best in action? And which is the most goodly company?!”
74. How many of the generations before them did We destroy? They were even better equipped and were more glittering to the eye.
75. Say (O Our Messenger Muhammad!): “As to those who are in error, the Beneficent (God) will certainly prolong the span of their lives until they behold what they were promised, be it the chastisement (in this world) or the Doom; then they shall know who is worse placed and who is weakest in forces!”
76. God increases in guidance those who are guided aright; and the everlasting good deeds are best with your Lord in recompense and best in the ultimate return.
77. Have you then seen him who disbelieves in Our Signs and says: “I shall surely be given wealth and children”?
78. Has he got into the knowledge of the unseen?! Or has he taken a promise from the Beneficent (God)?!
79. By no means! We shall write down what he says and We shall prolong for him the duration of the chastisement.
80. And We shall return all what he spoke of, and he shall come to Us all alone.
81. They have taken gods besides God to give them power and glory!
82. By no means! Soon shall they disavow their worship, and they shall be adversaries against them.
83. What?! Do you not see that We have sent satans against the disbelievers to incite them with an incitement (to sin)?
84. So do not be in haste against them; We only count to them a limited number (of days).
85. On the Day (of Resurrection), We will gather the pious to the Beneficent (God) like the guests of honour.
86. But We will drive the guilty ones to Hell like (the thirsty) herd (to the watering place).
87. They shall have no intercession save that who has taken a promise from the Beneficent (God to do so).
88. And they say, “The Beneficent (God) has taken a son to Him”!
89. Indeed you have put forth a most monstrous thing!
90. The heavens might be burst thereat, and the earch might cleave asunder, and the mountains fall down in fragments -
91. That they should ascribe a son to the Beneficent (God).
92. Nay! It does not behove the Beneficent (God) that He should take (to Him) a son.
93. None of the beings in the heavens and the earth but must come to the Beneficent (God) as a servant.
94. And indeed He has an account of all, and He numbered them with an exact numbering.
95. And each one of them shall come to Him on the Day of Judgment singly.
96. Verily, the Beneficent (God) will bestow love upon those who believe and do good deeds.
97. So have We only made it (Qur’an) easy in your own tongue so that you might give glad tidings thereby to the pious, and to warn thereby people who are contentious.
98. And how many generaions did We destroy before them? Do you find out anyone (anywhere)? Or do you hear even a whisper of them at all?

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