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The Criterion (al-Furqan) -25


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 25
25 Al-Furqan

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Blessed is He who revealed the Furqan to His servant (Muhammad) so that he may be a warner to the worlds.
2. His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and He has never taken a son to Himself, nor has there been any partner with Him in his sovereignty. He created every thing, planned according to a fixed measure.
3. Yet they have taken gods besides Him that create nothing, while they themselves are created; they can neither hurt themselves, nor can they profit themselves aught; they have no control over death, life, or resurrection.
4. Those who disbelieve say: “This is nothing but a lie he has forged, and certain other people have aided him thereupon.” These have indeed committed iniquity and uttered a slander.
5. They (also) say: “He has written but tales of the ancient recited upon him mornings and eves.”
6. Say: “Rather, it is revealed by that Who knows the secrets of the heavens and the earth; indeed He is oft-Forgiving, all-Merciful.”
7. They say: “What sort of messenger is he that eats and walks in the markets? Why has no angel been sent to him to warn with Him?
8. “Or a treasure be hurled to him, or a garden be his of which he eats?” The iniquitous say: “You follow but a bewitched man.”
9. See (O Muhammad) how they coin comparisons for you! But they have gone astray, so they shall not be able to find the right way.
10. Blessed is He Who, if He pleases, may grant you what is better than that, gardens beneath which rivers flow, and grant you mansions (too).
11. Nay! They disbelieve in the hour while we have prepared for that who disbelieves in the hour a burning Fire.
12. When it beholds them, even from a distance, it would make its raging and roaring heard.
13. When they, being shackled, are flung into a narrow place therein, they shall announce their own destruction;
14. Nay! Do not announce one destruction but many!
15. Say: “Is this better or the eternal garden reserved for the pious? It shall be their recompense, and a final destination.
16. “They shall have therein whatever they wish, eternally; it is a promise of your Lord worthy of prayers.”
17. When He gathers them and all that they served besides God, He shall say: “Did you beguile My servants, these, or did they themselves stray from the Right Path?”
18. They will say: “Glory be to You! It did not behove us to take friends besides You, but You let them and their fathers have enjoyments till they forsook remembering You, becoming people (worthy of) suffering perdition.”
19. They have indeed rejected what you say, so you shall not be able to avert the doom or succor, and whosoever commits injustice, We shall let him taste of a great torment.
20. We have sent no messenger before you (O Our Prophet Muhammad), save that they certainly ate food and walked through the markets, and We made some of you a trial for others; will you bear patiently? Your Lord is ever-Seeing.
21. Those who do not wish to meet Us say: “Why has no angel been sent to us, nor have we seen our Lord?” Indeed they think too highly of their own selves, and they have gone to great excesses.
22. On the day when they do see the angels, there will be no glad tidings on that day for the guilty, and they (angels) shall say: “Forbidden it (enjoyment) is, totally forbidden!”
23. Then We would proceed to what they wrought and We would render them like dust scattered in the air.
24. The dwellers of the Garden on that day shall be in a better abode and a better resting place.
25. On the day when the heavens are burst asunder with cloud, and the angels sent down, descending (in ranks),
26. The kingdom on that day shall in truth belong to the Beneficent Lord, and that day shall be extremely hard for the infidels.
27. On that day, the unjust shall bite their hands saying: “Oh! “Would I had taken a path with the Messenger!
28. “Woe unto me! Would I had not taken such one as a friend!
29. “He then led me astray from remembering (my Lord), and Satan has always been a deserter of man!”
30. The Messenger shall say: “Lord! Indeed my people have forsaken this Qur’an.”
31. Thus did We appoint for every messenger an enemy from among the guilty, but your Lord suffices as a Guide and a Helper.
32. Those who disbelieve say: “Why has no Qur’an been revealed to him as a whole?” Thus (did We deem) to strengthen your heart thereby, and We have recited it (unto you) in a well-arranged and gradual stages.
33. They (infidels) shall bring no argument to you, but We shall bring the truth to them and shall provide the best explanation (for it).
34. Those who will be hurled face-ward into the Hell shall have the worst place and the most evil destiny.
35. Indeed, We bestowed the Book upon Moses and We appointed with him his brother Aaron to assist.
36. We said: “Go, both of you, to the people who have rejected Our signs!” So We destroyed them with utter destruction.
37. We drowned the people of Noah when they rejected the messengers, and made them a sign for mankind, and We have in store a painful chastisement for the unjust.
38. And Ad, Thamud, the inhabitants of the Rass, and generations in-between them in great numbers,
39. To each We gave parables, and each We destroyed with utter extermination.
40. Indeed they have passed by the town that was showered with a fatal rain; did they not then see it? Nay! They do not wish to be resurrected.
41. When they see you, they ridicule you and say: “Is this the one sent by God as a messenger?!
42. “Had we not adhered to them steadfastly, he would almost have led us astray from our gods.” When they witness the chastisement, they shall then know who is the one who strayed.
43. Have you seen that who takes his vain inclinations for gods? Would you then be a guardian over him?
44. Do you think that most of them hear or understand? They are but like cattle; nay, they are even farther astray.
45. Do you not perceive (the Might of) your Lord Who extends the shadow? Had He willed, He would certainly have made it stationary, then We would have made the sun to be its guide.
46. Then We draw it to Us by an easy (gradual) contraction.
47. He it is Who has made the night a covering for you, the sleep a rest, and the day to rise up again.
48. He it is Who sends the winds heralding glad tidings before His mercy (rain), and We send water pouring down from heaven,
49. So that We may give life thereby to a dead land, and give it to you, and to the cattle, from among other multitudes We have created, to drink.
50. Indeed We have distributed it among them so that they may (thankfully) be mindful, but do not count most people as thankful.
51. Had We willed, We would certainly have raised up a warner in every town;
52. So do not yield to the infidels, and strive against them strenuously.
53. He it is Who has made both seas to join and flow together: one is palatable and sweet, while the other is salt and bitter; yet He has made a barrier between both of them and an impassable barrage.
54. He it is Who has created man of water, created for him blood relatives and relatives in wedlock, and your Lord is all-Powerful.
55. Yet they worship besides God that which neither profits them nor harms them, and the infidel is a helper against your Lord.
56. We have sent you (O Our Prophet Muhammad) a bearer of glad tidings and a warner.
57. Say: “I ask you no recompense save that you willingly take a path to your Lord.”
58. Rely on the ever-Living One Who never dies and celebrate His praise; He suffices as an all-Aware of His servants.
59. It is He, the Beneficent, Who created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days, and firmly established Himself on the Throne, so ask about Him the one who knows.
60. When it is said to them: “Prostrate in obeisance to the Merciful,” they say: “Who is the Merciful? Shall we prostrate in obeisance to what you bid us?” It only adds to their resentment of the truth.
61. Blessed is He Who made in the heavens constellations, a lamp, and an illuminating moon.
62. He it is Who has made the night and the day to succeed each other (a sign) for him who desires to reflect and offer thanks.
63. The servants of the Beneficent are those who walk on the earth humbly, and when the ignorant ones address them, they say: “Peace!”
64. Those who pass the night prostrating to their Lord and standing,
65. And those who say: “Lord! Turn from us the torment of Hell; verily its torment is a lasting affliction.
66. “Verily it is an evil abode and station.”
67. Those who, when they spend, are neither extravagant nor niggardly but in-between the two (extremes).
68. And those who do not call besides God any other gods, nor slay a soul which God has forbidden save in (executing) justice, nor commit adultery. Whosoever does this shall find a requital of the sin;
69. For him there shall be twice the torment on the Day of Resurrection, and he shall abide therein forever in ignominy,
70. Save that who turns repentant and believes and does good deeds; those are they whose evil deeds God shall change into good one, and God is oft-Forgiving, all-Merciful.
71. Whosoever repents and does good deeds, and (sincerely) turns to God,
72. And those who bear no witness to falsehood, and when they pass by vanity, they pass dignified,
73. And those who, when admonished by the signs of their Lord, do not become deaf or blind,
74. And those who say: “Lord! Grant us from our wives and offspring a joy of our eyes, and make us Imams for the pious.”
75. These shall be rewarded with a high station for their patience, and they shall be met therein with greetings and salutations,
76. Abiding forever therein, an excellent abode and resting-place.
77. Say: “Had it not been for your prayers, my Lord would not have cared about you, but indeed you rejected (His Message); therefore, you shall be seized.”

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