
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

an-Naml -27


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 27
27 An-Naml

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The Ants
In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Ta, Sin. These are the verses of the Qur’an, the book that makes truth manifest,
2. A guidance, and glad tidings to the believers,
3. Who establish (regular) prayers and give zakat, and are sure about the hereafter.
4. Verily We have made the deeds of those who do not believe in the hereafter fair-seeming to them, so they wander bewildered.
5. These are those for whom a grievous chastisement is in store, and in the hereafter they shall be the greatest losers of all.
6. Verily you (O Our Prophet Muhammad) receive the Qur’an from the all-Wise, the all-Knowing.
7. Moses said to his family: “Indeed, I behold a fire; soon will I bring you news from there, or a torch, so that you may warm yourselves.”
8. So when he came to it, he was called upon: “Blessed are those in the fire and around it, and Glorified is God, Lord of the world.
9. “O Moses! Verily it is I, God, the all-Mighty, the all-Wise;
10. “Cast your staff down.” So when he saw it vibrating like a serpent, he turned back fleeing and did not return. “O Moses! Do not fear, for My messengers are not frightened of My presence,
11. “Save he who has committed injustice then succeeded his bad deed with good deeds, for I am the oft-Forgiving, the all-Merciful;
12. “Put your hand into your pocket; when pulled out, it shall brightly glow without a blemish, along with nine signs to Pharaoh and his people; verily they are a transgressing people.”
13. So when Our clear signs were brought forth to them, they said: “This is plain sorcery.”
14. They unfairly rejected them, though privately they were convinced, out of their own iniquity and arrogance; so see how the mischief-makers were punished.
15. Indeed, We bestowed knowledge upon David and Solomon. They said: “All praise is God’s Who has made us surpass many of His believing servants.”
16. Solomon inherited David, and he said: “O people! We have been taught the birds’ language, and we have been granted a plentitude of everything; indeed, this is a manifest grace.”
17. Solomon’s hosts of jinn, men, and birds were gathered together, then they were arrayed in ranks.
18. When they came to the ants’ valley, an ant said: “O ants, enter into your dwellings lest Solomon and his hosts should unknowingly crush you.”
19. He (Solomon) smiled laughing at her words and said: “Lord! Enable me to thank You enough for the bounty You have bestowed upon me and my parents, and to do good deeds with which You will be pleased, and admit me, by Your mercy, in the company of Your righteous servants.”
20. He reviewed the birds then said: “How is it that I do not see the hoopoe, or is he among the absentees?
21. “I shall chastise him with a severe punishment, or I will certainly slaughter him, or he shall bring me a clear evidence.”
22. He (hoopoe) tarried not long then said: “I have become acquainted with what you have not, and I have brought you a sure news from Sheba.
23. “Verily I found a woman ruling them. She is plentifully in possession of many things, and she has a magnificent throne.
24. “I found her and her people prostrate to the sun, rather than God; Satan has made their deeds fair-seeming, and thus has he turned them away from the right path, so they are not rightly guided.
25. “Why should they not prostrate in obeisance to God Who brings forth into light that which is hidden in the heaven and the earth, and what you hide and manifest?
26. “God! There is no god but He, Lord of the Mighty Throne.”
27. He (Solomon) said: “We shall see if you have uttered the truth or lied;
28. “Take this letter of mine and convey it to them; turn away from them and witness what they come out with.”
29. She (the queen of Sheba) said: “Chiefs! Indeed an honourable letter has been delivered to me;
30. “It is in truth from Solomon, and it is: `In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful;
31. “`Do not exalt yourselves against me, and come to me submitting (to God as Muslims).’”
32. She said: “Chiefs! Advise me in this matter; I do not conclude any issue without your counsel.”
33. They said: “We are endowed with might and prowess; the command is yours; so, see what your command shall be.”
34. Said she: “Verily when kings (victoriously) enter a town, they ruin it and render its most noble people the meanest, and thus will they always do.
35. “I am sending them a present and shall wait to see how the messengers return.
36. When they (messengers) came to Solomon, he said: “Do you provide me with riches? What God has given me is far better than what He has given you. Indeed, you even exult about your present!
37. “Return to them, for surely we will proceed to them with hosts which they shall never be able to meet, and we will certainly expel them out of it abased, contemptible.”
38. He (Solomon) said: “Chiefs! Which of you can bring her throne to me before they come to me submitting?”
39. An audacious one among the jinn said: “I will bring it to you before you rise from your place, for verily I am strong and trusted.”
40. He who had some knowledge of the Book said: “I will bring it to you before your eye twinkles,” and when he (Solomon) saw the throne settled beside him, he said: “This is by the Grace of my Lord that He may test me to witness my gratitude or ingratitude; whoever is grateful (to his Lord) is surely grateful for his own good, and whoever is ungrateful, my Lord is still self-Sufficient, Bounteous.”
41. He (Solomon) said: “Transform her throne to her; we will see if she follows the right way or strays.”
42. When she (Queen Sheba) came, it was said to her: “Is this your throne?” She said: “It seems as if it were the same. We were already informed (of your Prophethood), and we were submitting.”
43. What she worshipped prevented her from worshipping God; indeed, she belonged to a disbelieving people.
44. It was said to her: “Enter the palace,” but when she saw it, she thought it was but a pool of water, and she uncovered her logs; he (Solomon) said: “This is but a place smoothed with (slabs of) glass.” She said: “Lord! I have been unjust to my own self, and I submit (along) with Solomon to God, Lord of the worlds.”
45. Indeed, We sent to Thamud their brother Salih (who said): “Worship God (alone).” Yet they became two parties wrangling with each other.
46. He (Salih) said: “O people! Why do you seek to hasten to evil deeds before good ones? Should you seek God’s pardon, you may receive His mercy.”
47. They said: “We augur ill from you and those with you.” He said: “(The knowledge of) your ill augury is with God; nay, you are a people being put to test.”
48. There were nine men in the town who were making mischief in the land without amending.
49. They said: “Swear by God to one another that, having suddenly attacked him and his family by night, we would say to his heir that we never witnessed the murder of his family, and that verily we are truthful.”
50. They plotted, and We, too, plotted, while they could not perceive it.
51. See then what the end of their plot was; We destroyed them and all their people.
52. These houses are their empty ruins, for they were unjust; verily there is a sign in this for people who reason.
53. We delivered those who believed in God and feared Him.
54. And We sent Lot who said to his people: “Do you commit abomination knowingly?
55. “You approach men with lust rather than women; nay, you indeed are ignorant people.”
56. His people’s answer was nothing but: “Turn Lot’s people out of your town, for they are people seeking to cleanse.”
57. So We delivered him and his followers except his wife; We decreed her to stay with those who lagged behind.
58. And We showered rain on them, and evil was the shower that poured upon those who had been warned.
59. Say: “All praise is God’s, and peace be with His servants whom He has chosen; is God better, or is it what they associate (with Him)?
60. “Or who is it that created the heavens and the earth, and sent water down from heaven, causing beautiful gardens to grow? It was not within your power to grow trees thereby. Is there any god besides God? Nay; they are but people who equate things with Him.
61. Is not He Who made the earth a resting place, created rivers therein, creating mountains upon it, placing (them as) a barrier between two seas? Is there any god besides God? Nay; yet most of them do not know.
62. Is not He Who answers the distressed one when he invokes Him and removes the distress, and makes you successors in the earth? Is there any god besides God? Little do you reflect.
63. Or who is it that guides you in the darkness of the land and sea, sending the winds as bearers of glad tidings of His mercy? Is there any other god besides God? Exalted is God high above what they associate (with Him).
64. Or who is it that originates the creation then reproduces it, providing sustenance for you from the heaven and the earth? Is there any god besides God? Say: “(If so) bring your proof, if you are truthful.”
65. Say: “None knows the unseen in the heavens and the earth save God, and they do not perceive when they shall be resurrected.”
66. Nay; their knowledge about the hereafter reached a dead- end; nay, they are unsure about it. Nay! They are blind to it.
67. Those who disbelieve say: “When we become dust, and our fathers, too, shall we still be brought forth again?
68. “Indeed we and our [fore]fathers were promised so; these are nothing but myths of the old.”
69. Say: “Roam the earth and see how the guilty were punished.”
70. And do not grieve about them, nor should you feel distressed about what they devise.
71. They ask: “When shall this promise (of chastisement) come to pass, if you tell the truth?”
72. Say: “Perchance a portion of what (chastisement) you are eager to witness will indeed afflict you.”
73. Your Lord is verily the Lord of grace to people, but most of them are not grateful.
74. Verily your Lord well knows what enshrouds their breasts and what they declare.
75. Nothing that is hidden in the heavens and the earth but (recorded) in a manifest book.
76. This Qur’an truly relates to the children of Israel that about which most of them dispute.
77. It is sure guidance and mercy to the believers.
78. Indeed, your Lord will judge between them by His decree, and He is the Almighty, the all-Knowing.
79. So rely on God; verily you are on (the path of) manifest truth.
80. Indeed, you cannot make the dead listen, nor can you make the deaf hear the call when they turn away.
81. Nor can you guide the blind out of their straying; you can make none hear save those who believe in Our signs, submitting themselves (to Us).
82. When the word comes to pass regarding them, We shall bring forth to them an earth creature that walks and talks to people, telling them that they did not believe in Our signs.
83. On a day We will collect from every nation a party that rejected Our signs, then they will be formed into groups,
84. When they are brought before God, He shall say: “Did you reject My signs, or did you (simply) fail to comprehend them? Or what were you doing?”
85. The word shall come to pass against them for the injustice they had committed, (so much so that) they shall be unable to speak.
86. Did they not see how We made the night for them to rest therein, and the day a light? Verily in this are signs for people who believe.
87. On the day when the trumpet is blown, those in the heavens and the earth shall be horrified save that whom God wills, and all shall come unto Him abased.
88. You see the mountains and perceive them firmly immovable, while they in fact pass like clouds, God’s creation; He has perfected everything He created; He is well-Aware with what you do.
89. Those who do good deeds will be rewarded even with better than their deeds, and they shall be secure on the day of extreme horror.
90. And those who commit bad deeds shall be thrown face-ward into the Fire; should your recompense be anything but according to your deeds?
91. (Say:) “I was enjoined but to worship the Lord of this city which He deemed sacred; His are all things, and I am enjoined to submit to God (in Islam),
92. “And that I should recite the Qur’an; so, whosoever is rightly guided, it is for his own good, and whoever strays, he stays against his own self; I am but a warner.”
93. And (also) say: “All praise is God’s; He shall make His signs manifest to you, and you shall recognize them; your Lord is not heedless to what you do.”

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