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Back You are here: Home Articles The Companions of Ahlul-Bayt (AS) Hazrat Abbas (AS) Life of Hazrat Abbas (AS) The Status of Abbas Ibn Ali (A.S) in the Resurrection Day

The Status of Abbas Ibn Ali (A.S) in the Resurrection Day

"May Allah have mercy on my uncle, Abbas (A.S). He displayed loyalty and service and sacrificed himself on his brother; so much so that both his arms were severed. Allah Almighty, the Mighty and Sublime granted him a pair of wings by the help of which he floats in Paradise, just as they were bestowed for Ja’far ibn Abi Talib… there is such a position for Abbas (A.S) near the Almighty that one the Day of Resurrection, all the martyrs shall vie for it.”
Imam Zayn al-Abidin (A.S)
[Biharul Anwar v. 44, p. 298, h. 4]

Ref: Almujtaba Islamic Articles Page

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