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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words 3-Sura-'Al-i-'Imran Verse93


(93) كُلُّ الطَّعَامِ كَانَ حِلاًّ لِّبَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ إِلاَّ مَا حَرَّمَ إِسْرَائِيلُ عَلَى نَفْسِهِ مِن قَبْلِ أَن تُنَزَّلَ التَّوْرَاةُ

قُلْ فَأْتُواْ بِالتَّوْرَاةِ فَاتْلُوهَا إِن كُنتُمْ صَادِقِينَ

93. " Every food was lawful to the Children of Israel except what Israel (Jacob) had forbidden to himself before the Torah was sent down. Say: ' Bring you hither then the Torah and read it, if you are truthful'."
Commentary :
It is cited in some commentary books that the Children of Israel raised objections to the Prophet of Islam (p.b.u.h.) that if his teachings were adopted to the teachings of the former prophets, such as Abraham, Moses, and Issac (a.s.), why he (p.b.u.h.) did not decree meat and milk of camel unlawful.
In answer to them, this verse was revealed saying that all kinds of food were lawful to the Israelites, but it was the Israel himself that made some of foods unlawful for himself.

" Every food was lawful to the Children of Israel except what Israel (Jacob) had forbidden to himself before the Torah was sent down. Say: ' Bring you hither then the Torah and read it, if you are truthful'."
The reason for this treatment, as it has been mentioned in some authentic commentary books, is that whenever Israel consumed these kinds of food (meat of camel, for example), they were harmful for him and caused him to be physically unhealthy. Therefore, he avoided eating those sorts of food but the children of Israel thought that it was an eternal canonical prohibition.(1)
The Arabic term /ta'am/ 'food' is applied for something which is tasteful for human beings. The Qur'anic word /hill/ means: ' to be free from , or released from ', therefore /ta'am-i-halal / is stated for ' the lawful edible things '.

(1) In Tafsir Nimunah, vol. 3, p. 6, it is cited that eating meat of camel caused his sciatic nerve to be moved and pain appeared in his feet.


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