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Articles about Imam Ali(A.S)

List of articles in category Articles about Imam Ali(A.S)
Title Hits
Imam Ali‌ (A.S) and Presence of Heart in prayer Hits: 6218
Why Is Najaf So Holy? Hits: 4561
Imam Ali (A.S) is the first one & last one!!! Hits: 5891
All virtues belong to Imam Ali (A.S) Hits: 3254
Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) ordered by Allah (S.W.T) to recite the merits of Imam Ali (A.S) Hits: 4067
What enemy says about Imam Ali (A.S)? Hits: 2465
His Martyrdom Hits: 3614
The Icon of Justice Hits: 2250
Education of Imam Ali (A.S) Hits: 2344
The Shaqshaqia sermon Hits: 3723
28 Merits specifically for Imam Ali (A.S) Hits: 4907
Imam Ali's (A.S) Grief on the Death of Bibi Fatima (S.A) Hits: 18766
Ali (A.S)'s soul was the first to greet the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) Hits: 5520
Imam Ali's Answering Difficult Questions Hits: 11824
A Life of Service: Honoring Imam Ali (A.S) Hits: 6581
A Probe into Imam Ali’s (A.S) Government Hits: 4723
Allah spoke with the voice of Ali (A.S) Hits: 5951
Why is the grave of Lady Fatimah (S.A) still concealed, while Imam Ali`s (A.S) has been revealed? Hits: 4113
Muawiya and insulting Imam Ali (A.S) Hits: 3737
The events that Imam Ali (A.S) reminded the Tradition Hits: 4412
The Shia of Ali (A.S) Hits: 3058
Imam Ali (A.S) according to Sunni Sources Hits: 6113
What Shiites and Sunnis unitedly believe about Imam Ali (A.S) Hits: 7191
Satisfaction, Equals, Dignity Hits: 2344
Najaf in the Narrations of the Ahlulbayt (A.S) Hits: 3868
Greatness of Imam Ali (A.S) Hits: 2849
Views of Ibne Abil Hadid al-Mutazali about Imam Ali (A.S) Hits: 5786
Greatest Representative of Pure Justice Hits: 3360
Some Traditions on the Virtues of Imam Ali (A.S) Hits: 4378
Wisdom in Creating an Ant Hits: 2994
The History of the city of Najaf Hits: 6396
The holy name of Ali (A.S) Hits: 2910
Gems of Guidance from Imam Ali (A.S) Hits: 14333
Ali Defines Justice, Tolerance and Coexistence Hits: 5083
Imam Ali is he our role? Hits: 3342
Imam Ali (A.S): Your thoughts make your fate Hits: 8885
Imam Ali (A.S) knew his followers from time when spirits were created Hits: 2507
Some glories of Imam Ali (A.S) [authentic chain] Hits: 3584
Superiority of Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S) over all others Hits: 10167
Sermon of Al-Taalutiyya Hits: 2600
Obedience of Ali (A.S) is obedience of prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P): authentic Sunni narration Hits: 2383
Very Beautiful Scientific calculation Hits: 4243
What Imam Ali (A.S) said to Kumail... Hits: 2367
Imam Ali (A.S) and bravely defense Hits: 4799
Haroun Questions Bahlool about Hazrat Ali (A.S) Hits: 2452
Umme Farwa exposes Abu Bakr Hits: 5526
Self-Sacrifice and Devotion of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (peace be upon him) Hits: 4976
Who Is Imam Ali (as)? Hits: 2222
Imam Ali (peace be upon him),Unique Leader in the History of Mankind Hits: 4739
Sermon of Recognition of Noor (light) (Khutba-e-Marefat-e-Nooraniya) Hits: 12648
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