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Imamate and Leadership

Imamate and Leadership
Lessons on Islamic Doctrine

Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari

Translated by:
Hamid Algar 

Published by:
Islamic Education Center, 7917 Montrose Road, Potomac, MD 20854

List of articles in category Imamate and Leadership
Title Hits
3.The Proclamation of 'Ali's Leadership by the Prophet Hits: 4784
4.The Objection of 'Ali to the Decision of the Companions Hits: 4624
5.The Rank of 'Ali as Indicated in Other Sayings of the Prophet Hits: 6838
6.The Relationship between the Qur'an and the Progeny of the Prophet Hits: 6003
7.Irresponsible Attitudes of the Companions Hits: 6078
8.Does the Qur'an Provide an Unconditional Guarantee for the Companions? Hits: 4920
9.The Formation of the Caliphal Order at the Saqifah Hits: 5088
10.Reliance on Unsound Criteria Hits: 5521
11.Answer to an Objection Hits: 5862
12.Shi'ism in the Course of History Hits: 7311
13.The True Nature of the Holders of Authority Hits: 4977
14. The Guardians of the Frontiers of the Shari'ah and the Realm of Islam Hits: 4046
15.The Imamate as a Rational Necessity Hits: 5250
16. Who are Those Capable of Interpreting Divine Law? Hits: 4658
17.The Imamate and Inner Guidance of Man Hits: 5441
18. The Inerrancy of the Imams and the Necessity of Belief in it Hits: 4801
19. Confirmation from the Qur'an and the Sunnah Hits: 4518
20.The Imam's Comprehensive Knowledge of the Islamic Sciences Hits: 4590
21.The Sources of the Imam's Knowledge Hits: 4866
22.A Word Concerning the Unseen and the Manifest Hits: 5294
23. The Imam's Communication with the World of the Unseen Hits: 5083
24. The Method of Choosing the Imam or Leader Hits: 4821
25.The Imamate of the Most Excellent Hits: 4620
1.The Place of Leadership [1] in Islam Hits: 4819
About the Author Hits: 4409
2.The Position of the Messenger of God with Respect to the Future of Islam Hits: 6044
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