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Unvirtuous Elites - Islam Guidance

  • Unvirtuous Elites | Shuraih e Qadhi

    Unvirtuous Elites | Shuraih e Qadhi

    Shuraih e Qadhi, a Kufan judge whose fear overtook his intellect and resulted in the killing of Muslim ibn Aqil and Hani ibn Urwah. His role, led to the tragedy that occurred on the 10th of Muharram!

  • Unvirtuous Elites | Sulayman ibn Surad

    Unvirtuous Elites | Sulayman ibn Surad

    Sulayman ibn Surad, Who we actually remember as a good man and a lover of the Holy Household. But despite all his qualities, Sulayman did not support his Imam when needed, and because of his mistake, he missed out. The scary thing is this: despite his regret, he was never able to make up for his missed opportunity. The downfall of a good human being is often their inability to recognize an opportunity and seize it.

  • Unvirtuous Elites, Umar ibn Saad

    Unvirtuous Elites | Umar ibn Saad
    This is the story of Umar ibn Saad ibn Abi Waqqas, the man who sold his hereafter for a piece of land. The man who knew the consequences of killing Imam Hussain (A.S), but decided to kill him anyway. This is the story of a man who went down in history as one of the biggest fools who ever set foot on this earth.

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