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Imam Ridha (A.S) and unfixed wages

That day Suleiman bin Ja'far and Imam Ridha (A.S) had gone out together for some work. It was sunset when Suleiman bin Ja'far wanted to return home. Imam Ridha (A.S) said to him: "Come to my house and be with us tonight." Suleiman bin Ja'far agreed and with Imam Ridha (A.S) he went to his house.
Imam Ridha (A.S) saw his servants busy in gardening. By the way, he saw a stranger, who was also busy in gardening with them. Imam Ridha (A.S) asked: "Who is he?"
Imam Ridha (A.S) and unfixed wages the servants replied: "We have hired him today so that he may help us."
Imam Ridha (A.S): "It’s all right. How much wages have you fixed for him?"
Servants: "We will give him something and would make him satisfied."
The signs of displeasure and anger appeared on Imam Ridha (A.S) face and he wanted to punish them. Suleiman bin Ja'far came forward and said:
"Why do you make yourself uncomfortable?"
Imam Ridha (A.S) said: "I have repeatedly given orders that till the work and wages are not fixed, never get the work done by anyone. First fix the wages of the person and then get the work done. Even if you have fixed the wages, you could give something extra to him after the work is over. Certainly, when he finds that you have given him more than the fixed wages, he would be thankful to you and would like you. And the affection between you and him would increase. And even if you would give him the wages you have fixed, the person would not be unhappy with you. But if you do not fix the wages and employ someone to work, whatever you would give him after the work, he would not think that you have done a favor to him. Rather, he will think that you have given him less than his actual wages."


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