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Back You are here: Home Library Beliefs Our Beliefs Ch.2-The Mission of The Prophets 17-The Intercession Of The Prophets

17-The Intercession Of The Prophets

WE BELIEVE that all the prophets, particularly our prophet, are in a position to intercede with God on behalf of a certain group of sinners. This intercession must be, and is by the leave of God.

"No intercessor can plead with Him, except after His leave."


"Who is there to intercede in His presence, except with His permission."

THE HOLY QUR?N _ S2: 255

If in some of the the Holy QUR?NIC verses we see that intercesion is rejeted: it refers to the absolute intercession, and not that which is by God's leave:_

"O, Believers! Bestow in alms a part of that which we have given you, before that day arrives in which there shall be neither trading, nor friendship, and nor intercession."

THE HOLY QUR?N _ S2: 254

Here the independent intercession is meant which is not by the leave of God___ We have always repeated that some of the Holy QUR?NIC verses describe some other.

WE BELIEVE that the intercession is a good means for training and turning the sinners to the right path. It enjoins virtue and sanctity, and inspires hope

in these who deserve it. It also is a notice to the sinners:_ not to ruin the bridges behind themselves, and live a little way of return to their Merciful Lord.

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