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Ninth Greater Sin: Usury

Chapter 11 

Ninth Greater Sin: Usury


The ninth Greater sin is usury. That it is classified as a Greater Sin is clear in traditions recorded from the Holy Prophet (S), Imam ‘Ali (a.s.), Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.), Imam Musa al-Kadhim (a.s.), and Imam Muhammad al-Taqi (a.s.).

According to the glorious Qur’an, taking interest is a sin that incurs severe Divine punishment. The punishment for usury as mentioned in the Qur’an is far more severe than the punishment for other sins. It is announced in Surah Ä€li- ‘Imran:

 “O you who believe! Do not devour usury, making it double and redouble and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, that you may be successful. And guard yourself against the fire that has been prepared for the unbelievers.

(Surah Ä€li- ‘Imran 3:130-131)

 It means that the fury of the fire that is prepared for those who take interest will be just as intense as the fire prepared for the unbelievers.

The verse of Surah al-Baqarah says,

 “Those who swallow down usury cannot arise except as one whom Shaitan has prostrated by (his) touch does rise. That is because they say, trading is only like usury; and Allah has allowed trading and forbidden usury. To whomsoever then the admonition has come from his Lord, then he desists, he shall have what has already passed, and his affair is in the hands of Allah; and whoever returns (to it) - These are the inmates of the fire; they shall abide in it.”

(Surah al-Baqarah 2:275)

 The above verse confirms that the usurer will remain in Hell eternally and there is no salvation for him. Allama Muhammad Husain Tabatabai, in his Tafsir, ‘al-Mizan’ says that the punishment ordered by Allah (S.w.T.) for usury is so severe, that such severity is not mentioned even for disobedience to any of the Furu’ ad-DÄ«n. Another equally serious offence is to nurture friendship with the enemies of Islam. The direct ill-effects of usury are clear and evident. Hoarding of wealth increases the disparity between the rich and the poor. Poverty is a malady that can degrade and humiliate its victims, erode his values and destroy his morals. This in turn leads to corruption, theft and murder. Those directly responsible for destroying the social equilibrium, are the hoarders, who amassed wealth and thus it was unavailable to those who needed it. The total disintegration of the social fabric can precipitate a civil war and further a world war which brings with it only death and destruction. In the world of today with the advances of the nuclear and chemical weapons, war does not only bring death to the humans, but leaves them a caricature, sick and maimed and deformed for generations to come.

 The direct ill effects on the Muslim society as a result of friendship with those opposed to Islam, are also clear and evident.

History has recorded that friendship with the enemies of Islam can only be bought at a price. The price in this case is to compromise. Compromise on the tenets, the culture and the spirit of Islam, till a time comes when the country loses its identity as an Islamic society.

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