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Chapter 19 The Seventeenth Greater Sin: Lying

List of articles in category Chapter 19 The Seventeenth Greater Sin: Lying
Title Hits
Firm conviction and disobedience Hits: 2068
The Seventeenth Greater Sin: Lying Hits: 2326
Lying is one of the greatest sins Hits: 2199
Angels curse the liars Hits: 4465
Qur’anic verses denounce lying Hits: 3301
Various grades of lying Hits: 1707
Falsehood against Allah (S.w.T.), the Prophet (S) and the Imams (a.s.) Hits: 2552
Every type of falsehood Hits: 1877
Interpreting the Qur’anic verses and Traditions to suit oneself Hits: 2085
It is not an easy job Hits: 1990
A kind of falsehood attributed to Allah (S.w.T.) Hits: 1763
Falsehood against the Prophet (S) and Imams (a.s.) Hits: 1802
Traditions must be quoted with the chain of narrators Hits: 1836
1. Relating the contents of the narrations Hits: 1853
2. False oath and avoiding testimony Hits: 1999
3. The evil effects of falsehood Hits: 4156
4. Lying in jest and pleasantry Hits: 3232
Total abstinence from lying Hits: 2061
Exaggeration is not falsehood Hits: 2116
No falsehood should be regarded as insignificant Hits: 1982
A False dream Hits: 1913
Falsehood in examples Hits: 2076
Imam Hasan (a.s.) mentions a simile Hits: 2401
Listening to a lie is Harām Hits: 1729
What is Toriya? (Concealment of truth without uttering a lie) Hits: 7584
Toriya is commanded Hits: 2287
First type Hits: 1913
Second type Hits: 1872
Third type Hits: 2110
Circumstances when lying is permitted Hits: 1899
False oath to save the Muslims Hits: 2004
Monetary loss and falsehood Hits: 1930
If one is compelled he must limit himself to Toriya Hits: 1921
Reconcile two believing people by using falsehood Hits: 1978
Conveying a message of ill will Hits: 2069
Reconciliation among people Hits: 2943
Kur water and the united hearts Hits: 2076
Falsehood in the battle-field Hits: 1959
Promise to a wife Hits: 1979
Fear of retribution and good deeds Hits: 1801
Your speech must conform to your thoughts Hits: 1856
A show of submission Hits: 2074
Falsehood in supplications Hits: 1885
Confession of Belief in the Imams (a.s.) Hits: 2005
Do you speak the truth? Hits: 1835
Lying to the Imams (a.s.) Hits: 2015
Then how should we pray? Hits: 2402
Every person has a different position Hits: 2223
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