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A Letter for Those Coming in the Future

A Letter for Those Coming in the Future


In the iranian history among kings who acted against Islam the name of reza khan is unforgettable. Because he staged vengeful deeds for removal of Hejab from women. This event belongs to that time.
An inlaid case had been made ready to put over the shrine of emamzadeh Hamzehibn Moussa. Meanwhile, one of servants decided to write a letter and explain in it the conditions of this time. First , he wrote his name and wrote in which time he had seen the removal of cloaks from heads of women and in an opportune time, he hid the letter between the box and the stone of the tomb so that after centuries, if this case would be changed, the future people could become familiar with the conditions of this time.

However, this did not long more than 40 years and in 1971 one of believers took action to build and construct the inlaid box to be fixed instead of the previous one. He suddenly saw the letter and panic filled his body. In such time in the midst of rule of son of Reza khan, mohammad reza Pahlavi.

He had nothing but to resort to Hamzeh p.b.u.h. that night a thought occurred to his mind. He had planned a shroud for himself and put his body in it after his death. He thought he could usethe same shroud the next day in the ceremonies of change of the box.

The officials of the shrine together with agent of the government and some of authorities were standing by to observe the change of the box. The old servant came and said I have a shroud and I wish to purify my shroud with the dust of the shrine. Let me then to have my wish fulfilled.

Officials of the shrine who had special respect for this old man agreed to his request and when the box was lifted, he put the shroud on the stone and removes the dust off into his shroud. Being sure that the letter was also in the dust, immediately leaves the shrine and somewhere he shook the shrine. A dust of around 40 years is shaken off the shroud but there is no sign of the letter.

Again his body shivers with fear. The box had not been removed in the last forty years, thus, only one possibility remains and it is negligence in collecting the dust and the letter has fallen off in the shrine. Since the doors are closed there is no excuse to return to the shrine. Now, he had made himself ready for oncoming consequences. He sat down besidethe pool beside shrine of hamzeh to wash his face.

A voice reached him from back.someone said: didn't you find the letter? He turns and saw a goodlooking tall gentleman while smiling. He answers: which letter? And then remains silent. The same gentleman added: don't worry that letter will never be found again. The young man's words showing the inner mind of the old man pours panic over the old man such that he hurried out of the yard of the shrine,and takes steps quicklier.

He stops and thinks this young man was not in the shrine and I had not seen him before, then how did he know my secret? These questions led him once more to the shrine but the gentleman was not there. The servant washing his face with tears coming down his face pinned his look on the turquoise dome of Hamzeh bin Mousa and said : Hails to you

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