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Quran - Islam Guidance

  • Miracles of Quran

    The function of mountains
    The Quran draws attention to a very important geological function of mountains.
    We placed firmly embedded mountains on the Earth, so that it would not move under them.” (Al-Anbyia, 31)
    As noticed it is stated in the verse that the mountains has the function of preventing shocks on the Earth. This fact was not known by any one at the time the Quran was revealed. It was in fact brought to light recently as a result of the finding of modern geology. According to these findings mountains emerge as a result of the movement and collision of massive plates forming the earth crust. When two plates collide, the stronger one slides under the other. The one on top bends and forms the heights the mountains. The layer beneath proceeds under the ground and makes a deep extension downward. That means that mountains have a portion stretching downwards as large as the visible portion on the earth. In a scientific text the structure of mountains is described this follows. Where continent are thicker as in mountain ranges the crust sinks deeper in to the mountain. In a verse this role of the mountains is pointed out through comparison with pegs. Have we not made the earth as a bed and the mountain is pegs? Mountains, in other words, clings the plates in the earth crust together by extending above and beneath the earth surface at the conjunction points of these plates. In this way they fix the earth crust and prevent it from drifting over the magnet strengths or among its plates. Briefly, we may liken the mountains to nails that keep wood pieces together. This fixing function of the mountains is defined in scientific literature with the term “Isostasy”.
    This vital role of mountains that was discovered by the modern geology and science research was revealed in the Quran centuries ago as an example of supreme wisdom in God’s creation.

    The movement of mountains
    In one of the verses were informed that the mountains are not as motionless as they seem that they are in constant motion. You will see the mountains you reckon to be solid, going pass like clouds. Such as the artistry of God who disposes of all things in perfect order, surely he is aware of what you do. This motion of the mountains is caused by the movement of the earth crust that they are located on. The earth crust sort of float over the melted layer which is denser. It was the beginning of the twentieth century when for the first time in history a German scientist by the name Alfred Wegener proposed that the continents of the earth had been attached together at the initial phases of the world, but then drifted in different directions and thus separated their moves from each other. Geologists understood that Wegener was right, only in 1999, fifty years after his death.
    Discovered as a result of the geological research carried out at the beginning of the twenty century this movement of the earth crust is explained by scientists as follows:
    There is a very important point to be stated here. God has referred to the motion of the mountains as a drifting action in the verse. Today modern scientists also use the term continental drift for this motion. Unquestionably it is one of the miracles of the Quran that the scientific facts which has been recently discovered by science.

    Ref: Shia defender

  • Muawiya and insulting Imam Ali (A.S)

    Imam Mohammad Baqir (A.S) said:
    When the Commander of the Believers, Ali Bin Abi Taleb (A.S), came back from the Battle of Nahrawan to Kura, he heard that Muawiya had been cursing and insulting him and was killing his Shia. So he gave a speech in which he started by praising Allah and by sending Salawat to the Prophet. He mentioned the blessings that Allah had bestowed on His Prophet and on him.
    Then he said:
    If it was not for this verse in the Qur'an, I would not mention what I am about to say. Allah says, "Keep recounting (make mention of) the bounties of your Lord" (93:11). O Allah, praise is only for you, for your countless blessings and your unforgettable favors.
    O people! I have heard the news (of Muawiya's behavior) and I can see that my death is approaching and that you are ignoring my status.
    O people! I leave behind that which the Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) left for you, the Qur'an and my family, which is the family of the Guide to Survival, the last of the prophets, and the Master of Nobility, Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H&H.P).
    O People! You will not hear this after me except from a liar. I am the brother of the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) and his cousin. I am the sword of his revenge and his pillar of intense strength and support.
    Where are the Muslims who believe in Qur'an?
    My name in the Bible is "ILIYA," and in the Torah is "BARI," and in the Psalter is "ERI." Indians know my name as "KAABER," Romans know me as "BIT'RISA," Persians know me as "JOBEIR," Turks know me as "TABIR," blacks know me as "HEYTAR," priests know me as "BUSI," Abyssinians know me as "BITRIK," my mother knows me as "HEYDARA," my nurse knows me as "MAYMOUN," Arabs know me as "ALI" Armenians know me as "FAREEQ," and my father knows me as "Z'AHEER."
    Beware that I am the special one in the Qur'an with many names. Do not change these or you will lose your religion.
    On the Day of Judgement, the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) will precede me, and I will precede my Shia. I swear to Allah that none of my Shia will be thirsty and none of them will be scared (on the Day of Judgement).
    I have authority on my Shia, and Allah has authority on me.
    Those who love me love someone who loves Allah. Those who hate me hate someone who loves Allah.
    I have heard that Muawiya has insulted and cursed me! O Allah! Increase your punishment on him and descend the curse on the one who deserves it, Ameen. O Lord of the Worlds, Lord of Isma'eel, and the sender of Ibrahim, You are Glorious.
    Then he (Imam Ali (A.S)) came down from the platform and he never addressed the public like that again for the rest of his life, which came to an end when Ibn Moljam (may Allah's curse be on him) killed him.
    [Source: Basharat ul Mustafa Le Shiyyat e Murtuza, Chapter 1, Hadees.18 / Maani Al-Akhbar, Pg. 59]

    Taken from: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

  • Noble Qur'an and Imam Hussain (A.S)

    Like other Imams (A.S), Imam Hussein (A.S) also used to guide people through the book of Allah (S.W.T). The following beautiful incident has been recorded in Safinatul-Bihar:
    Assaam bin Mustaliq was a man from Damascus who used to be a staunch enemy of the Ahlulbayt (A.S), particularly of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S). It is related that one day he came to Medina. As he entered the city gate, his eyes fell on Imam Hussein (A.S). Assaam bin Mustaliq was very disappointed and the hatred of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S) became evident in him. He approached Imam Hussein (A.S) and asked, "Are you the son of Ali bin Abi Talib?" Imam Hussein (A.S) replied in affirmative. When Assaam bin Mustaliq heard this, he began to abuse the Imam Hussein (A.S) and spoke bad words to him. Imam Hussein (A.S) calmly looked at him. When he was over, Imam Hussein (A.S) recited the following verses from the Noble Qur'an:
    "Adopt tolerance, enjoin good and turn away from the ignorant. And if a prompting from Satan instigates you (to evil), then seek refuge with Allah. Verily He is all-Hearing, all-Knowing. Verily those who safeguard themselves (against evil) with full awareness of divine laws, when an evil thought from Satan assails them, they remember Allah, and lo! They see light. And their brethren plunge them deeper into error, so they do not slacken their efforts". (7:199-202)
    Then Imam Hussein (A.S) said to Assaam bin Mustaliq, "You have been misled. We pray for our and your forgiveness from Allah (S.W.T). If you need our help, then we are willing to help. If you need our protection, then we are willing to defend you. And if you need our guidance, then we are willing to guide you".
    When Assaam bin Mustaliq heard this, he was very ashamed of his rude remarks. Imam Hussain (A.S) continued, "From today onwards, there shall be no blame on you. May Allah (S.W.T) forgive you and He is the most Merciful". Then Imam Hussein (A.S) asked, "Are you from Damascus?" Assaam bin Mustaliq said, "Yes". Imam Hussein (A.S) said, "Whatever remarks you passed is of no importance to me, may Allah (S.W.T) protect us both. Without hesitation, present your needs to me. Whatever I offer you, I hope, will remove all misconceptions you have of me".
    Assaam bin Mustaliq says, "When I heard this, I felt so ashamed but could not find any place to hide myself. Moreover, I wished the earth would tear apart and I would fall into it. After this encounter, there is no one on the face of this earth who is more beloved to me than Imam Hussain (A.S) and his fathers, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S)".

    Ref: islamicoccasions.com

  • Ostentation

    Among the most destructive of spiritual diseases is ostentation or showing off. This sickness is very harmful for one’s sincerity. It destroys the biggest and the best of deeds. It makes worship futile. It destroys all acts of worship, since sincerity is the most basic condition of worship. The foundation of every deed is intention and intention is based on sincerity. If someone takes a partner with Allah in the intention of any deed then that act becomes futile, whether it is obligatory or recommended. Whether ostentation affects one’s intention from the beginning, or it becomes a part of one’s intention during the performance of the act, the end-result is the same i.e. the action is futile. For example, a person prays with congregation for show-off or he enters the mosque to show-off.
    (Minhaajus Saleheen, The Book of Ibaadaat, p. 154, article no. 569)
    There are many people who perform good actions, but the reason for performing the actions varies from person to person. Some people perform good actions for satisfaction of the heart, while others do it out of fear, while some others do it to earn respect and honor in society. Very few people actually perform good deeds to earn Allah’s satisfaction.
    Allah says in Holy Quran:
    "Say: I am only a mortal like you. It has been revealed to me that your Lord is one Lord. Then whosoever desires the meeting of his Lord, and then he should do good and not associate anyone in the worship of his Lord."
    (Surah Kahf: 110)
    Explaining the above verse, Imam Sadiq (A.S) says:
    “A person performs a good deed, but does not desire Allah’s satisfaction. Instead, he performs the deed so that the people may consider him to be pure, and he desires that people should talk about his worship. He is that person who has taken a partner with Allah in his worship”. After this Imam (A.S) said, “A person who performs a good action secretly, and the day passes by, then Allah will manifest his good deed. And one who performs evil deeds secretly, then Allah will manifest it after some days”
    (Al Wafi, vol 5, p. 853-854)

    Imam Sadiq (A.S) has narrated from Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P):
    "A time will come when the intention of the people will be insincere. For the greed of this world, their apparent will be adorned. Allah will afflict all of them with His punishment. Then they will plead (to Allah) like a person who is drowning but their supplications will not be accepted".
    (Ibid. p. 856)
    May Allah protect us from the evil and destructive disease of ostentation.

    Taken from: Al Muntazar

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