
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm


(100) قُلْ لا يَسْتَوِي الْخَبِيثُ وَ الطَّيِّبُ وَ لَوْ أَعْجَبَكَ كَثْرَةُ الْخَبِيثِ فَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ يا أُولِي الْأَلْبابِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ

100. " Say: ' The evil and the good are not equal, though the abundance of evil may dazzle you.' So be in awe of Allah, O' possessors of intellects, that you may be prosperous."

Commentary :
The senses of 'evil' and 'good' refer to all men, styles, properties, incomes, foods, and materials.
The standard of worth is 'right' and 'wrong', not the majority and minority.
Therefore, beware that the majority and abundance may be fascinating. So, be careful that they should not attract you toward the path of sin and evil.
The possessors of intellects, i.e. the wise, advocate the Truth, not the crowd. The idea which says: 'when you are in Rome, do as the Romans do' is not a Qur'anic epithet.
In view point of this school, impiety is a sign of ignorance.
The verse says:
" Say: ' The evil and the good are not equal, though the abundance of evil may dazzle you.' So be in awe of Allah, O' possessors of intellects, that you may be prosperous."
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