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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words 7- Sura Al-'A'raf Verse6-7


(6) فَلَنَسْئَلَنَّ الَّذِينَ أُرْسِلَ إِلَيْهِمْ وَ لَنَسْئَلَنَّ الْمُرْسَلِينَ

(7) فَلَنَقُصَّنَّ عَلَيْهِمْ بِعِلْمٍ وَ ما كُنَّا غائِبِينَ

6. " Then certainly We will question those to whom (Our messengers) were sent, and certainly We will also question the messengers."
7. " Then certainly We will relate to them with knowledge for We were not absent."

Commentary :
The previous verse has referred to the worldly punishment. Here, in this verse, the existence of punishment and reckoning in the Hereafter is stated with several emphasis. In these two verses, the certainty of the existence of quention on the Day of Judgement and that it is not specialized to the sinners alone, is mentioned, too.
Explanations :
1. On the Day of Judgement, surely all people will be questioned, including: both the leaders, the nations and followers, both the good doers and the evildoers, and both the scholars and the imitators of them.
" Then certainly we will question those to whom (Our messengers) were sent, and certainly we will also question the messengers."
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In the next verse, in order that no one considers that questioning from communities and their concerning prophets can be an evidence that there is some thing concealed from Allah's knowledge, clearly and with an emphasis strengthened with an oath, it implies that Allah will explain all their deeds to them with His Knowledge, because He has never been absent from them. He (s.w.t.) has been with them everywhere and in all circumstances. The verse says:
" Then certainly We will relate to them with knowledge for We were not absent."
2. On that Day, questioning is a kind of calling to witness, making comfession and reprimand. But the fact is that there is nothing concealed to Allah to be discovered by question.
There are some points upon this verse which should be noted, as follows:
1. What matter or matters will be questioned ?
2. The bounties will be questioned : "Then on that Day you will surely be questioned about the bounties (you enjoined)." (Sura At-Takathur, No. 102, verse 8). It is recorded in some Islamic traditions that the objective meaning of 'bounties', here, is the bounty of 'mastership' and 'leadership'.
3. The deeds of people will be questioned : "... we would most certainly question them all," "As to what they used to do." (Sura Al-Hijr, No. 15, Verses 92-93).
4. The limbs will be questioned of : "... surely the hearing and the sight and the heart, all of these shall be questioned about that." (Sura Al-'Isra', No. 17, verse 36).
5. As the Islamic traditions indicate, the life-time, the youth, the incomes, and the expenses will be questioned.
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