
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm


In the Name of Allah,the Beneficent,the Merciful
Sura Quraish
(Custodians of the Ka'ba)
No. 106 (4 Verses)
Contents of the Sura:
This Meccan Sura is, indeed, the supplement to the preceding one; Sura Fil. The verses of the Sura are a clear evidence for this idea. They describe the blessings the Quraish tribe were given to enjoy; might they he thankful to Him and worship Him, the Lord of the Sacred House (Ka'ba) from which they obtained all their honour and high social status.
As was said at the beginning of Sura Duha, which is considered one Sura with Sura Inshirah, the same as Sura Fil is with Sura Quraish, the unity and similarity of the matters, in both of them (Fil and Quraish), are so much so that they can be taken as an evidence for the unity of Sura Duha and Sura Inshirah.
That is why both of them must be recited together, one set or the other, in one 'rak'at' of a prayer, as a complete Sura, if one chooses them in his obligatory prayers.
For more explanation on this subject, books of jurisprudence (chapters on prayers and recitation) are at your disposal.

The Virtue of Studying Sura Quraish:
On the virtue of reciting the Sura, a tradition is adequate to cite from the holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) who has been narrated to have said: "He who recites it is rewarded ten 'good deeds'as many as the number of those who perform the ritual circumambulation of the Ka'ba, and spiritual retreat in the Sacred Mosque". (1)
Assuredly such a virtue is of a person who humbly worships Allah, Who is the Lord of Ka'ba, and protects the nobility of the House and hearkens to the message of the shrine with the ear of his soul and practices it.
(1) Majma'-al-Bayan, vol. 10, p. 543, and Atyab-ul-Bayan, vol. 14, p. 235.

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