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Righteous Deeds

Righteous Deeds

The Holy Prophet [s] said: "To make peace between two individuals (in comparison) is worthier than one's entire prayers and fastings."

Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 76, p. 43

Imam Amir ul Mu'mineen [a] said: "If a person thinks well of you, make his idea hold true."

Nahjul-Balaghah, p. 511, saying No. 248

 The Holy Prophet [s] said: "He who leads (others) to piety (will be rewarded) the same as the doer of that good action."

Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 96, p. 119

Imam Sadiq [a] said: "There are six things that a Muslim believer can be profited by after his death:

1.A righteous child who seeks forgiveness for him.
2.The Holy scripture which will be recited from.
3.A well which he had dug (for the benefit of people).
4.The tree which he had planted.
5.The charity of water that he had caused to flow.
6.A good tradition which will be followed (by people) after him."
Khisal by Saduq, p.323

The Holy Prophet [s] said: "If it were not hard upon my Ummah, I would enjoin them to brush (their teeth) with every prayer."

Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 76, p. 126


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