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Hidden Shirk in the Praise of the Creature

Hidden Shirk in the Praise of the Creature

 “And most of them do not believe in Allah without associating others (with Him).”

(Surah YÅ«suf 12:106)

 While explaining this verse, Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) informed that one form of Shirk is,

“Like the saying of someone that if so and so had not been there I would have been destroyed. If so and so had not been there I would have got that thing. In the same way is to say that if so and so had not been there my children would have perished.”

(Bihār al-Anwār)

 Such utterances signify the type of belief the speaker possesses. If he really has such a belief then he is surely a polytheists (mushrik). After this Imam (a.s.) said,

“If one says, ‘If Allah had not helped me through such and such person I would have perished,’ there is no harm in it.” In fact this is the essence of Tawhid.


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