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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 4 Second Greater Sin: Yās (Deaspair) Repentance of the Killer of a Prophet is also Acceptable

Repentance of the Killer of a Prophet is also Acceptable

Repentance of the Killer of a Prophet is also Acceptable

Jabir Ibn Abdullah Ansari (r.a.) relates that a woman came to the Holy Prophet (S) and asked, “If a woman kills her child can she seek pardon?” The Holy Prophet (S) replied,

“By Allah in whose control is the life of Muhammad (S) even if this woman has killed seventy Prophets and then feels remorse and repents and Allah is convinced of her sincerity and the truth of her statement, upon the condition that she does not repeat the sin, her repentance shall be accepted. And her sins would be pardoned. Surely Allah is oft forgiving and forgives, ever so beyond measure. Verily one who repents (sincerely) is; as if he has never committed that sin.”

(Liyali Akhbār)


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