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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 9 Seventh Greater Sin: Qat’a ar-Rahm Extending Hand of Friendship Towards Those Who Want to Break the Ties (Qat’a ar-Rahm)

Extending Hand of Friendship Towards Those Who Want to Break the Ties (Qat’a ar-Rahm)

Extending Hand of Friendship Towards Those Who Want to Break the Ties (Qat’a ar-Rahm) 

Imam Sajjad (a.s.) says:

There are two actions, towards which, a step taken is liked by Allah more than anything else. One is the step taken to join a row formed in the name of Allah (for Jihad or Salāt); the second is the one taken to extend a hand of friendship towards kith and kin who want to break relations.

(Bihār al-Anwār)

The Holy Prophet (S) said:

“Certainly there is a section in Paradise which can not be attained except by Three kinds of people. First the just Imam, second, the one who does Silet ar-Rahm, and third the one who has family (and children) but remains patient (in poverty and diffi­culties).

(Bihār al-Anwār)

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