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The Meaning of Silet ar-Rahm and Qat’a ar-Rahm

The Meaning of Silet ar-Rahm and Qat’a ar-Rahm 

The Shari’a of Islam has not provided any fixed definition for these two terms. In this case the meaning as judged by common sense and reason must be accepted. We must consider all the relatives from the father’s side and mother’s side, irrespective of whether they are close or distant, to be our kith and kin who have a right on us. In the same way the children of the daughters and their descendant also come in this category as the Qur’an says:

 ‘Those who join together (do Silet ar-Rahm) those things which Allah has commanded to be joined.”

(Surah ar-Rā’d 13:21)

 Urwah Ibn-YazÄ«d asked Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) the meaning of this Ayat (Surah ar-Rā’d 13:21), the Imam (a.s.) replied;

“You have been commanded to do Silet ar-Rahm towards all your relatives. Whether they are Mahram (in the prohibited category of marriage) or Non-mahram, (not in the prohibited category) whether they are distant relatives or closely related, whether they are immediate relatives or separated by several generations.”


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