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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 20 Eighteenth Greater Sin: False Oath The Prophet (S) orders the taking of oath

The Prophet (S) orders the taking of oath

The Prophet (S) orders the taking of oath

An interesting incident is quoted in Tafsīr al-Mizan from the book Amali. Imrul Qays and another man had a dispute regarding some property. Both of them came to the Holy Prophet (S). He (S) asked Imrul Qays,

“Can you provide two just witnesses to substantiate your claim?”

He replied, “No!”

The Holy Prophet (S) said,

“Then your opponent should take an oath.”

Imrul Qays said, “But what if he swears falsely and acquires my property?”

The Holy Prophet (S) replied,

“If he swears falsely he shall be included among people who will not be eligible for Divine Mercy on the Day of Judgment and Allah shall not purify him of sins. There would be a dreadful punishment for such a man!”

When the litigant heard these statements he was filled with horror and gave up his false claim to the property of Imrul Qays.

Hazrat Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) is reported to have said:

“One who knowingly takes a false oath had made war upon Allah.”


 Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) says that the Holy Prophet (S) said:

“Refrain from false oath, because it destroys inhabitations and makes the sinner helpless.”


According to other traditions, false oath and severing relations are two such sins that cause the destruction of towns and cities. The inhabitants are eliminated and the progeny terminated.

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