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Those who conceal evidence

Those who conceal evidence

Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) remarks,

“On the Day of Qiyāma, Allah shall cut off the flesh of one who conceals evidence; then order him to eat it before all the creatures.”

 (Wasa’il ul-Shia)

Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) also says that those who conceal evidence are described in the Qur’an as those whose hearts have sinned. ‘Hearts have sinned’ actually implied that ‘hearts have disbelieved’,” according to Imam (a.s.)

 Another tradition recorded from Imam (a.s.) is thus:

“One who goes back upon his testimony or conceals it wholly, Allah shall cut off his flesh and force him to eat it before everyone. And when he will enter Hell he would be chewing at his own tongue.”

(Wasa’il ul-Shia)

 Hazrat Imam Musa al-Kadhim (a.s.) says,

“When you are asked to give evidence, give it. For Allah says:

 “Surely Allah commands you to make over trusts to their owners...”

(Surah an-Nisā’ 4:58)

 Evidence is itself a trust. Allah (S.w.T.)  also says,

 “And who is more unjust than he who conceals a testimony that he has from Allah?”

 (Surah al-Baqarah 2:140)

 (Wasa’il ul-Shia)

 The following tradition of Amir ul-Mu’minÄ«n ‘Ali (a.s.) is recorded in TafsÄ«r ‘Ali Ibn IbrahÄ«m Qummi:

“One who possesses some evidence, has to make it known. And when he is asked for it, he must give it. He should not fear anyone’s criticism. He must fulfill his obligation of Amr bil Ma’rÅ«f (enjoining good) and Nahi Anil Munkar (forbidding evil).”

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