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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 22 Concealing Evidence People whose supplications are not accepted

People whose supplications are not accepted

People whose supplications are not accepted

Hazrat Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says:
“Du’a of four types of people is not answered:

1.      A Person who sits idle at home and prays to Allah to provide him with sustenance is told, ‘Have We not ordered you to make effort for obtaining your sustenance?’

2.      The person who prays for some misfortune for his wife. He is told, ‘Have We not given you the choice of giving her divorce if you do not want such a wife?’

3.      One who had squandered the money and spent it in evil ways. Now if he prays for sustenance, he is told, ‘Did We not order you to spend in moderation?’

4.      One who gives a loan to someone but does not make anyone witness it. Hence if the borrower refuses and the creditor prays, he is informed, ‘Had We not ordered you to have witnesses?’”

(Iddatud Dai)

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