
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 22 Concealing Evidence When testifying harms

When testifying harms

When testifying harms

When we speak about Harām testimony that causes harm to a Muslim, we mean a wrongful harm or unjustified oppression but if the person deserves to be punished, it is Wajib to give the evidence. For example a person commits a crime. The witness of this crime does not testify only because if he does so the one against whom he testifies will demand the debt which the witness owes him. This is not a valid excuse for withholding evidence. The criminal must be punished according to Shari’a even if the witness has to suffer a monetary loss. However, if the hardship for the witness far outweighs the seriousness of the crime of the accused then the witness has a valid excuse to refrain from testifying.


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