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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 35 Pride or Arrogance Arrogance by Sacrilege

Arrogance by Sacrilege

Arrogance by Sacrilege 

One of the types of arrogance with regard to the Almighty is to behave arrogantly towards whatever is associated with Allah (S.w.T.)’s name. For example the orders and prohibitions of Allah (S.w.T.), specially the sacred month of Ramadhan, the Holy Ka’ba, the Holy tombs; and even an ordinary mosque because Allah (S.w.T.) has said,

 “And (all) the mosques are for Allah.”

(Surah al-Jinn 72:18)

 So if one acts arrogantly with relation to any of the above it means that he is arrogant towards Allah (S.w.T.). For He (S.w.T.)  says,

 “O You who believe! Do not violate the signs appointed by Allah...”

(Surah al-Mā’ida 5:2)

 It means that one should not insult or disregard anything that is related to the Almighty.

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