
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

3. The Historical Hadīth of Ghadīr

3. The Historical Hadīth of Ghadīr

 In the tenth year of the Islamic calendar (hijrah), the Prophet set out for Mecca to perform the pilgrimage (hajj). This hajj was undertaken in the last years of the Prophet's life, and for this reason history has given it the name of the "Farewell Pilgrimage" (hajjatu 'l-wida'). Muslims participated in extraordinarily large numbers in this journey of the Prophet to Mecca with the eagerness to learn and do the pilgrimage from the Prophet directly. They numbered about 120,000. Some groups joined him in the town of Mecca.

 After completing the hajj, when the Prophet was returning to Medina, the following verse was revealed on the 18th day of Dhil Hijja at GhadÄ«r Khumm:

 O Messenger, deliver that [message] which has been sent down to you from your Lord; for if you do not, then [it be as if] you have not delivered His message [at all]. Allah will protect you from men. (5:67)

 Thus a great message reached the Prophet from Allah. The edges of the caravan were slowly rolling along. Suddenly a herald proclaimed on behalf of the Prophet: "Allah has given a command...Let everyone await the command..."

 Thereupon, the Prophet (a.s.) gave the order that everyone should stop moving and come to a halt; and they did. Many travelers stood there on the order of the Prophet to hear the news. We have been told that the desert of GhadÄ«r Khumm is plain without water; it was midday and the heat of the sun was scorching. What is the news for which the Prophet is keeping the people standing in such a place, at such a time?

 Then the sound of adhān was heard. The Prophet performs the prayer with the people, and then camel saddle-packs are built up to form a raised platform. The Prophet stands on the top of them. People catch their breath, and are as quiet as the sands of the desert. They are waiting for the news.

 The Prophet starts. After praising Allah, the Prophet says, "Do you agree that I have fulfilled my responsibility by conveying the message of Allah to you?"

 "We are the witnesses that you have delivered the message to us, and that you made every effort in this direction. May Allah give you the best reward!"

 "Do you witness to the unity of God, the prophethood of his slave, Muhammad, and to heaven and hell, death and the resurrection, and to the life after death?"

 "We do witness to these."

 "May Allah be our witness!" And then he said, "O people; I and you, we shall see one another besides [the fountain of] Kawthar [on the day of judgment]. Be careful after me how you deal with two precious things."

 "O Prophet, what are these two things?"

"The Book of Allah, and my descendants. Allah told me that these two are not be separated from one another till they reach me beside the Kawthar. Do not go ahead of them, for you will be ruined. Do not fall behind them, for you will also be ruined."

 Then he raised the hand of ‘Ali so that everyone could see him and know him. Then, in the same position, he read the divine order of succession.

 "O people, who is more deserving among the believers to have wilāyah (authority) and guardianship over them?"

 "Allah and the Prophet know best."

 "Allah gave me wilāyah, and I am more worthy than the believers and the followers themselves. Therefore, to whosoever I am his wali (master) and guardian, ‘Ali is his master and guardian too. O Allah, be the friend of his friends, and the enemy of his enemies. Help anyone who helps him, and punish anyone who rebels against him."

 "Now everyone who is present must tell [the event to] those who are absent."

 The people had not yet dispersed when the following verse was revealed:

 Today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed my blessing upon you, and I have approved Islam as your religion.  (5:3)

 Then the Prophet cried out: "Allāhu Akbar! The religion of Allah has been perfected, and He is pleased with my prophethood and the wilāyah of ‘Ali after me."

 After this ceremony, people felicitated Amir al-Mu'minin ‘Ali. Among  the foremost of the companions who felicitated him were Abu Bakr and `Umar who said, "How good for you, O ‘Ali, to have become the master of me and every believing man and woman."

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