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Imam Reza's(A.S.) Companions and Narrators of His Traditions - Part 1

Imam Reza's(A.S.) Companions and Narrators of His Traditions - Part 1

Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, was, in his time, the giant of Islamic thought and the most learned person on the face of the earth, as al-M'mu`n said. He supplied Islamic world with all elements of progress and renaissance. He employed the Prophetic Mosque, may Allah increase it in honor, as an institute for his lessons and lectures. The religious scholars, the narrators, and the students of jurisprudence surrounded him, while he was twenty and some years old. They recorded his verdicts, his marvelous wise sayings, and arts.

The religious scholars found in his traditions knowledge similar to that of his grandfather, the Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family, the first Inspirer of the ideological and scientific matters on earth; they came to know that he was as brilliant as his forefathers, the pure Imam, the pioneers of the cultural and scientific renaissance in the world of Islam. The narrators said: "There are no seven noble persons on earth from whom the Shï'a (khas) and non-Shï'a ('am) wrote traditions except 'Ali b. Musa (al-Rida`), peace be on him."

The religious scholars took great care of his traditions to the extent that when he passed through Nisa`bu`r (Iran), they gathered around him. Their number was more than twenty thousand persons. They held ink pots and asked him to relate to them the traditions of his
randfather, Allah's Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family. He narrated to them the tradition called al-hadith al-dhahabi (the Golden Tradition), as we will mention it.

As the tradition was of great importance, one of the Samni Emirs ordered it to be written in gold and to be buried with him.1 Some students of his grandfather, Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him, and of his father Imam Musa, peace be on him, narrated (traditions) on his authority. A group of the religious scholars who were coincided with him also narrated from him. We will present the biographies of his companions and the narrators of his traditions. That is because, as we think, they will complete the research on the personality of the Imam and shows a side of his scientific life. (They are as follows:)

1. Ibrahïm Bin al-'Abbas

b. Mohammed al-Sawli, the great, inspired poet. He was given the kunya of Abu Ishaq. He was the most brilliant poet of his time and best of all the poets in showing friendship and love toward the Imams of the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. There were close ties between him and Imam al-Rida, peace be on him. He showed deep, sincere love toward Imam al-Rida, peace be on him. We will present some sides of his life.

His Paying a Visit to the Imam

Ibrahïm along with Di'bil al-Khaza'i, the poet of the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them, visited Imam al-Rida, peace be on him. That was when al-Ma'mun pledged allegiance to him and appointed him as his successor. Di'bil recited to him his everlasting poem, which is regarded as one of the Arab excellent poems. We will mention it in his biography. Then Ibrahïm recited to him his poem of which nothing is known except this line:
The murders of the children of the Prophet, Mohammed, have removed the comfort of the heart after endurance.

This poetry line shows the sufferings and sorrow of al-Sawli toward the trials and tribulations which the enemy of Islam wreaked upon the Household of the Prophet. I (i.e. the author) think that the whole poem is good and firm and is regarding the lamentation for the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them. When he had finished reciting it, the Imam gave them twenty thousand of the dirhams which held his holy name.

As for Di'bil, he took his prize and went to (the holy city) of Qum. There the people bought each dirham for ten dirhams, hence he bought his portion for one hundred thousand dirhams. As for Ibrahïm b. al-'Abbas, he kept some of the dirhams until he died. The following lines are some of his poetry on praising Imam al-Rida, peace be on him:
One's actions are a sufficient, just witness for his being the most knowledgeable of his people.

I can see that they have a modern one, but the modern is not similar to the old (in their good deeds).

He (al-Ma'mun) bestows upon you through your own properties, and you are given one percent.
May Allah not praise him who seeks the help of your enemies and praises them.
You have preferred your partner, who is a close relative, just as the parent prefers his own son.

These lines show his deep faith in the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be on them, and his friendship toward them. He metaphorically used these lines for them, for he was afraid of the tyrannical authority which punished due to doubt and accusation all those who showed friendship toward the Family of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family.

Examples of his Poetry

Al-Sawli's poems are regarded as part of wonderful Arab poetry. The following lines are some of his chosen poems:
A visit has brought near men to each other in spite of their being far, and the shrine of Layla` has become distant in spite of its being near.
And (the houses) standing at Mun'rajj al-Liwa` are nearer (to me) than (the shrine of) Layla`; and that is her house.

The following lines belong to him:

One maybe tired of a misfortune and the escape from it is with Allah.
It (the misfortune) became more intense. When its episodes intensified, it was driven away, while I thought that it would not be driven away.

The following lines belong to him too:
You were the iris of my eyeball, so the eye wept for you.
Whoever desires to die after you, then let him die. For I took care of you.

His Burning the Divan of his Poetry

Ibrahïm was the friend of Isha`q b. Ibrahïm, so he wrote a copy of his poetry concerning Imam 'Ali b.Musa al-Rida`, peace be on him, and gave it to him. The copy remained with him until al-Mutawakkil, the tyrannical, became a caliph. Ibrahïm was in charge of expenditure for al-Mutawakkil. Separation and hate took place between Ibrahïm and Ishaq, hence Ibrahïm removed him from some expenditures which were at his hand, asked him for some money, insisted on it, and demanded him in a bad manner. Hence Ishaq summoned one of his trustworthy brothers and said to him: "Go to Ibrahïm b. al-'Abba`s and say to him: 'Your poetry concerning 'Ali b. Musa in your own handwriting and other than your handwriting is with Ishaq. By Allah, if you continue wronging him and do not refrain from asking him (for money), he will hand over (your) poetry to al-Mutawakkil.'"

As a result the man went to Ibrahïm b. al-'Abba`s and told him about that. Ibrahïm was so worried that he entrusted the affair to the man. He released him (Ishaq) from all that which he asked from him, took the poetry from him, and made him swear by Allah that he had no poetry with him. When he received the poetry, he burnt it in his presence.

Examples of his Writings

Ibrahïm was an eloquent writer. The following is a piece of his writing on behalf of an 'Abbasid king who threatened the rebels:
"Now, then, the Commander of the faithful has patience. If it is not sufficient, a threat will follow it. If it is not sufficient, his resolutions will be sufficient. Greetings."
Ibn Khullakan commented on this letter, saying: "This statement, though brief, is very marvelous. "

His Death

Ibrahïm died in Samara' in Sha'ban 15, in the year 243 A. H. 3

2. Ibrahïm Bin Abu al-Bilad

The real name of Abu al-Bilad is Yahya b. Salïm al-Ghatafani. He (Ibrahïm) was given the kunya of Abu Isma'ïl. In his book al-Rijal, Shaykh al-Tusi number him as one of the companions of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be on him. He said: "He (Ibrahïm) was trustworthy, a jurist, and a reciter (of the Qur'an). He lived for a long time until 'Ali b. Musa al-Rida sent him a letter. His two sons (Yahya and Mohammed), Sahl b. al-Yasa', and others narrated (traditions) on his authority."

Al-Najashi said: "Ibrahïm was trustworthy, a reciter (of the Qur'an), and an author. His father was blind and a narrator of poetry; al-Farazdaq said to him: 'O sorrow of my soul at your eyes, O man!'"

Ibrahïm narrated (traditions) on the authority of Abu'Abd Allah, Abu al-Hasan Musa, and al-Rida, peace be on them. Imam al-Rida sent him a letter and lauded him. He has a book. A group (of narrators) reported the book on his authority.

3. Ibrahïm Bin Abu Mahmud

al-Khurasani. Al-Najashi regarded him as reliable and said: "He (Ibrahïm) reported (traditions) on the authority of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him. He has a book. Ahmed b. 'Isa narrated the book on his authority. "

Al-Kashi said: [Nasr b. al-Saba`h said:] "Ibrahïm b. Abu Mahmud was blind. Ahmed b. 'Isa narrated on his authority the questions of Musa, peace be on him, which are about twenty-five pages. He lived after (the death of) al-Rida."

Hamdawayh narrated, saying: [Al-Hasan b. Musa al-Khashshab informed us, saying: Ibrahïm b. Abu Mahmud informed us, saying:] "I visited Abu Ja'far and there were books with me for him from his father. He began reading them and putting a big book on his eyes. He wept until his tears flowed down his cheeks, so l said to him: 'May I be your ransom, your father, perhaps, said to me in one session several times: 'May Allah make you dwell the Garden.' So he said: 'I also say to you: 'May Allah make you dwell the Garden!' Then I asked him: 'Do you guarantee that your Lord will make me enter the Garden?' 'Yes,' he replied. He (Ibrahïm b. Abu Mahmud) said: 'I took his foot and kissed it. '"

4. Ibrahïm Bin Ishaq al-Nahawandi

He narrated (traditions) on the authority of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, and Salih b. Mohammed al-Nahawandi reported (the traditions) on his authority.

5. Ibrahïm Bin Isma'ïl Bin Dawud

He narrated (traditions) on the authority of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, and Musa b. Ja'far al-Mada'ini reported (the traditions) on his authority.

6. Ibrahïm Bin Bashïr

Al-Najashi said: "He narrated questions on the authority of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, Mohammed b. 'Abd al-Hamï~d narrated on his authority.

7. Ibrahïm Bin Salama al-Nïshaburi

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, and added that he was an agent. Al-Sayyid al-Khu'i said:

"The men differed over his state. Some regarded him as an argument; others did not regard him (as argument). Those who regarded him (as argument) gave evidence through two premises:
The first (premise) is that he was the agent of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him. The second (premise) is that they (the Imams) did not appoint the sinner as an agent."
The Sayyid discussed both premises.

8. Ibrahïm Bin Shu'ayb al-Waqifi

He (i.e. Ibrahïm Bin Shu'ayb) said: "I was sitting in the Mosque of Allah's Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family, and there was beside me a man from the people of Iraq. I asked him: 'Who are you?' 'The retainer of Abu al-Hasan al-Rida, peace be on him,' he replied. I said to him: 'I have a need of you.' 'What is it?' he asked. I want you to hand over a letter (ruq'a) to him. 'Yes,' he said, 'as you like.'

So I went out, took a sheet of paper, and wrote in it: 'In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Your fathers, who were before you, would tell us of something therein were signs and proofs. I want you to tell me my name and my father's name."
He (i.e. Ibrahïm Bin Shu'ayb) said: "Then I stamped the letter and gave it to him. On the following morning, he (the retainer) brought me a sealed letter. I opened the letter and read it. At the bottom of the letter (it was written): 'In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. AbuIbrahïm, among your fathers are Shu'ayb and Sa`lih; among your sons are Mohammed, 'Ali, and so-and-so. "

9. Ibrahïm Bin Shu'ayb al-'Aqarqufi

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him. Shaykh al-Mamaqani said: "His state i unknown to us, and knowledge belongs to Allah. 4"

10. Ibrahïm Bin Salih

In his (book) al-Rijal without mentioning any nick-name or description, Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him.Al-Najashi said: "Ibrahïm b. Salih al-Anmati al-Asadi was trustworthy and narrated (traditions) on the authority of Abu al-Hasan, peace be on him. He has a book. A group (of narrators) reported the book."

11. Ibrahïm Bin 'Abd al-Hamïd

Shaykh al-Tusi said: "He (Ibrahïm) was among the companions of Imam Abu 'Abd Allah; he coincided with Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, and did not hear from him according to the statement of Sa'd b. 'Abd Allah. He was a Waqifi and has a book. " He (Shaykh al-Tusi) said in al-Fihrast: "Ibrahïm b. 'Abd al-Hamïd is reliable. He has a book (asl). Abu 'Abd Allah Mohammed b. Mohammed b. al-Nu'man al-Mufïd told us about the book.

As Shaykh al-Tusi has regarded him as trustworthy in al-Fihrast, then he was not a Waqifi. Perhaps he withdrew from the Waqifiya and adopted the True Religion (of the Shï'ites).

12. Ibrahïm Bin 'Ali

b. 'Abd Allah b. Ja'far b. Abu Talib. 'Ali's mother was the mistress of the women, the heroine of Karbala', the lady Zaynab, peace be on her. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him.

13. Ibrahïm Bin Mohammed

al-Ash'ari, al-Qummi. Al-Najashi said: "He (Ibrahïm) is trustworthy and narrated on the authority of Imam Musa and Imam al-Rida, peace be on them, and his brother al-Fadl. Their book is mutual. Al-Hasan b. Abu 'Ali b. Fadda`l narrated the book on their authority.2 In his (book) al-Rijal Ibn Da`wud regarded him as reliable, and so did al-Fadil al-Majjlisi, and others.

14. Ibrahïm Bin Mohammed

al-Khazzaz. He narrated on the authority of Imam Abu al-Hasan al-Rida, peace be on him, and al-Hasan b. Sa'ïd reported on his authority.

15. Ibrahïm Bin Mohammed

He was a retainer from Khurasan (Iran). Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him.

16. Ibrahïm Bin Mohammed al-Hamadani

He was the agent of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him. Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, Imam al-Jawad, and Imam al-Hadi peace be on them. Al-Kashi said: "He performed the hajj forty times."

17. Ibrahïm Bin Musa

He narrated on the authority of Imam Abual-Hasan al-Rida, peace be on him, and Mohammed b. Hamza reported on his authority.

18. Ibrahïm Bin Hashim

Abu Ishaq al-Qummi. He was originally from Kufa and then moved to (the Holy City of) Qum. Shaykh al-Najashi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, and said: [Our companions say:] "He (Ibrahïm b. Hashim) was the first to publish the traditions of the Kufans in Qum. He has books. Among them are the Book of al-Nawadir and the Book of the Legal Decisions of Imam 'Ali, the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him.

19. Ibrahïm Bin Hashim al-'Abbasi

Shaykh al-Tu`i numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him.3 Apparently, he was an unknown Imami (traditionalist)4 Al-Sayyid al-Khu'i said: "The correct (name) is Hashim b. Ibrahïm, not Ibrahïm b. Ha`shim as in (al-Rijal by) al-Najashi. "

20. Ahmed Bin Abu Nasr

He narrated on the authority of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, and Ahmed b. Mohammed reported on his authority.

21. Ahmed Bin Ashyam

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him.7 He narrated on the authority of Yunus, and Ahmed b. Mohammed reported on his authority.

22. Ahmed Bin 'Amir

b. Sulayman b. Salih b. Wahab who was martyred along with (Imam al-Husayn), the sweet basil of Allah's Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family. His son 'Abd Allah reported: "My father was born in the year 157 A. H. He met Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, in the year 174 A. H. Al-Rida died in Tus, on Tuesday, Jamadi al-Ula 18, in the year 202 A. H. I saw Abu al-Hasan (al-Rida) and Abu Mohammed, peace be on them." In this manner he has been mentioned in al-Najashi's (book of al-Rijal).

23. Ahmed Bin 'Umar al-Hallal

He sold sesame oil. He narrated on the authority of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him. He has questions on his authority.

24. Ahmed Bin al-Fayd

Shaykh al-Tusi numbered him as one of the companions of Imam Abu al-Hasan (al-Rida), peace be on him.2 He is an unknown Imami (Shï'ite).

25. Ahmed Bin Mohammed

b. AbuNasr al-Bizanti. He was a trustworthy Kufan. He met Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, and had a great rank with him. He reported a book on his authority. He has books such as the Comprehensive Book (kitab al-Jami'), and the Book of the Miscellaneous Traditions (kitab al-nawadir). In his book al-Ghayba, Shaykh al-Tusi said: "He (Ahmed b. Mohammed) was a Waqifi, then he withdrew when he saw the miracles at the hand of Imam al-Rida, peace be on him, which declared the correctness of his Imamate. Hence he clung to the argument, adopted his Imamate and that of his children after him.

Ahmed said: "I was with Imam al-Rida and spent the evening with him." He (Ahmed) said: "I said: Shall I leave?" He, peace be on him, said to me: "Don't leave, for you have entered into evening." He (Ahmed) said: "I stayed with him, and he said to his slave-girl: 'Fetch my mat and pillow and spread them for Ahmed in that room.'"

He (Ahmed) said: "When I entered the room, I asked myself: 'Was anyone like me in the house of Allah's friend1 and in his bed?' So he called me: 'Ahmed, the Commander of the faithful visited Sa'sa'a b. Soha`n and said to him: 'Sa'sa'a, don't regard my visit to you as pride over your people. Be humble before Allah and He will raise you.'" (The Shï~'ite traditionalists) have unanimously agreed that he is meritorious, and that his narration is correct when it is narrated in correct manner from him. He died in the year 221 A. H.

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