
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

(3) Dynamic leadership

(3) Dynamic leadership

Though a prophet begins his spiritual march towards Allah with escape from the people which means introver­sion, he eventually returns to the people with a view to reform them.

 In Arabic language there are two words for a prophet: Nabi and Rasul. Literally Nabi means one who brings news and Rasul means one who is sent with a message. A prophet conveys Allah's message to the people and thereby awakens their dormant faculties. He calls them to Allah and urges them to seek His pleasure. In other words he calls them to reform, freedom, integrity, justice, love, peace struggle for the right cause and other virtues. He releases them from the bondage of their passion and that of other false gods. The essential task of a prophet is to guide the people, infuse them with a new spirit and organize them for the pleasure of Allah and for the good of humanity.


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