
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Family Manners

Family Manners

 The holy Prophet has said:

 "The best men among you are those who are the best husbands of their wives". (Man la yahauruhul Faqih).

 The best of your women are those:

 • Who are loving and kindly;

 • Who look after their chastity;

 • Who are not arrogant or disobedient to their husband:

 • Who are faithful to their husbands in their absence. (Wasail al Shia'h vol. 14, p. 14).

 Imam Ali (P) has said:

 • "Be kind to your wife and 'treat her well. Kindness will change her for the better, will keep her satisfied and will preserve her health and beauty".

 • "Do not stop your wife from spending and being generous in the house. Do not be stingy in this respect".

 • "By your chastity protect your wife from casting an evil eye on others stealthily and entertaining an idea of sin".

 • "Your behavior to her should be such that she may not think of unlawful means to satisfy her lawful


 • "Do not behave towards her in such a way that she may notice when you are despondent and sexually

 exhausted". (al‑Kafi, vol. 5, p. 51).

 Some reciprocal responsibilities of parents and children

The parents and the children have reciprocal rights and responsibilities so that if either of them fails to recognize those responsibilities or to discharge them he is unjust or technically speaking Aaq vis‑a‑vis the other.

 The Prophet and his family have pointed out that just as a disobedient and irreverent child is guilty of a crime, similarly negligent and careless parents are also atrocious and wicked.

In the capacity of being the first guardians of their children the parents should be careful of their own conduct and behavior so that they may not set a bad example to them. They must be very cautious, for their behavior is bound to have a direct effect on the formation of the habits and character of their children.

 To the best of their ability and social consciousness they must do their utmost to promote and nurture the talents of their children and should not hesitate to make sacrifice for teaching and educating them, because that is one of the most effective ways of bringing them up.

 They should bring up their children as dignified and self‑respecting persons and not as cowards who may acquiesce in every insult.

 The parents should ensure that their children become physically and spiritually strong. The children should be provided a sound atmosphere where they attain a healthy physical growth and receive correct moral training.

 The Qur'an, laying stress on the rights of the parents, says:

 "Your Lord has ordained that you worship none save Him and that you show kindness to parents ". (Surah Bani Israel, 17:23).

 Again it says: "We have enjoined on man kindness to parents". (Surah al‑Ankabut, 29:8).

 In connection with the behavior towards children it has been recommended that a promise made to them should be scrupulously fulfilled.

 The holy Prophet has said:

 • "If anyone of you makes a promise to his child he must fulfill it".

 • "Treat your children equally in the matter of presenting gifts to them".

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